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You expose various conclusions that always come to the same thing: to follow Jesus The Christ, because of his human sacrifice as "Lamb of God" who takes away the sin of the world, to rise again overcoming death, which is his part as a man of the Divine Grace granted by the Almighty, his Father, the Eternal God Creator of Heaven and Earth.
That's all, we just have to be guided by His Holy Word so that our faith may come to reach the "mustard seed" as Jesus Himself suggested.....
Greetings @gracybae may Jesus continue to bless you with His infinite mercy. Amen!

Expones variadas conclusiones que siempre llegan a lo mismo: seguir a Jesús El Cristo, debido a su sacrificio humano como "Cordero de Dios" que quita el pecado del mundo, para resucitar venciendo la muerte, que es su parte como hombre de la Gracia Divina otorgada por el Todopoderoso, su Padre, el Dios Eterno Creador del Cielo y la Tierra.
Eso es todo, solo hay que guiarse por su Santa Palabra para que nuestra fe llegue a alcanzar el "granito de mostaza" como Jesús mismo lo sugirió...
Saludos @gracybae que Jesús te siga bendiciendo con su infinita misericordia. Amén!


Thanks for coming around!