leafy cacti

in Succulent growers7 months ago

I am happy with my garden, everything is green, lush, and fruitful. I made a tour of my plants and I found some surprises.

This is one of them my Mammillaria Prolifera has borne fruit, this fruit as you can see is ripe but it has another one and it is still green. According to what I have read the fruits of this mammillaria are edible but I have not dared to eat it.



Before the fruit I could not observe the flower, I was waiting for new flowers to sprout from it. In other opportunities, I have been able to bring the flower and as I said before for the first time I can see the red fruit. I have the impression that it has the shape of a chili bell pepper, small, elongated, and red. I hope it is not as hot as the chili bell pepper.


This other Mammillaria Lasiacantha is developing the first shoots of offspring. For the first time, they are hatching their little children and I am very happy about that. Soon I will be picking up these little guys to transplant and have other mother plants like this one.



And finally, I have brought you my Echinocereus Oxigona, it is bursting with its little offshoots or sons. I have planted some of them, it is easy to reproduce.


I hope you like it, then I will bring you other species that are as leafy or more than these.

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png

 7 months ago  

Everything looks very healthy!
