My gorgeous cactus - Aporocactus

in Succulent growers2 years ago

Cacti, which are exotic and a bit unusual in shape due to their thorns, are becoming more common and are grown as houseplants.
These slightly unusual succulent plants, the very thought of them is associated with the desert, but precisely because of their unusual appearance and exoticism, they are increasingly attracting flower lovers to include them in their collection.



Besides my flowers, which I grow and love, somehow I never thought about cacti, but this cactus is very dear to me, so it is included in my flower collection.


Aporocactus reaches an incredible length of up to one meter, it is completely covered with thin thorns, which is very interesting for it, which may not be noticeable in other cacti, this cactus abounds in its beautiful pink flowers along the entire length of its stem.



If you are not a fan of cactus, still consider growing some species because they are really special flowers and colors, for no reason on their spines, because cacti have a truly decorative value.


Growing this plant is very simple, unlike those that need special care.
Cacti are plants that do not require special care, are resistant to high temperatures and do not need frequent watering.
They should also not be watered when the days get colder, such as autumn and winter, because the plants are dormant then, but they cannot stand the cold, so it is better to store them at room temperature.



Cacti are a strange and unusual flower, they sprinkle their stems with thorns, probably so that no one would hurt them.
But if they are in an environment that suits them, they give us their most beautiful flowers.
Just because of its flower and the length it reaches like a snake, I decided to grow this irresistible cactus that adorns my garden with its charming flowers.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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Predivno izgleda. 🌵

The cactus is beautiful.🌵🌵🌵🌷🌷🌷
great combination of tree and flower colors!

thanks, it's really kind of special.

 2 years ago  

The flowers remind me of the Christmas cactus family

Thank you, the flower is very similar to a Christmas cactus.