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RE: Some feathered Friends I have seen on walks

in Photocircle3 years ago

First duck family, nice comb on Mum little ones are always cute, happy family on the water. Goose looked like it meant business, wonder if a family nest close by?

Purple Elephant moment, good fun seeing in different interpretation JJ.

Have a great week !BEER and !PIZZA to enjoy.


Thanks for the visit, yes I guess a nest was nearby now that you mention it that would make sense

Now I am not sure if you saw my rant, but I took that off and left the purple elephant image only now LOL, moving on and forgeting about it

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

@joanstewart! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @tattoodjay.

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I hope you can work things out with whoever it is :( ... I've never known you to rant.

Funny thing is its not about me, they do it to others, its all if one account gives a good upvote, another one doesn't like the way they vote so they give a downvote to take away the other accounts vote

and LOL it was a very short rant and then taken away quickly lOL

What a strange way to use power. I hope they don't do this to anyone who is new to Hive. If their post goes from $50 to ten cents, they are unlikely to come back.

Yeah I hope they don’t do that that would be bad fir the community to grow

Exactly, and what if this new person is a great writer who had been convinced to come by a friend?

That’s the most worrying thing about down voting

Noted the rant, have had a troll for sometime now and decided to ignore, but yes it gets under ones skin sometimes.

Purple Elephant looks good, actually better, if not more note worthy replacement to a troll!

Some birds can become quite aggressive when close to their nest, perhaps this one sized you up and decided to back off!


I have had the odd troll now and again I guess it’s all part of the system

I stayed on the paths and must have kept away from the nest

Troll using automated in random communities not worth paying attention to.

Large goose gave good warning, better than the plover who will do aerial attack 😌

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

@tattoodjay! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @joanstewart.

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There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

@tattoodjay denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@tattoodjay thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !