
its going so nicely - thank you!!!! and yours too??
i got to spend the morning with a friend who desperately needed hugging and loving. and i was so glad that i got to be the one dispensing all of me in that direction.

it was a hard morning but a beautiful one - you know?

because life will have its moments where it rips the heart out of you. and then it will bring the opportunities for the healing to come in all forms

days like this remind me of the collateral beauty (i love that movie)

Sounds like you were just the love your friend needed and from what I have seen of you I am not surprised
I think I have seen that movie but cannot place it at the moment
When I finish catching up on the olympics I will look for it

oh definitely do - but bring tissues. it's a beautiful movie - but definitely cathartic!!!!

what's your favorite sport in the summer olympics??? hehe

Well I would have to say Rugby is my favorite sport
But I enjoy most sports well watching them these days

i didn't know that rugby was even in the olympics!!!! man - i'm out of touch!!!!

i love the synchronized swimming ehehee
they amaze me!!!

I think it was only added in the last olympics so it’s fairly new

How they all swim in unison is pretty amazing
The time they must put into practicing for the sumcht Swimming must be mind boggling

And their strength!!!!! And their lungs!!?! My gosh they're specimens of power! Hehehe