The Yucky Oyster and A Sports Day Victroy #DashOutSunday

in ReggaeJAHM4 years ago (edited)



HAHAHa @missaj coined that one.
Hope it has been a blissful weekend. I hope to see others joining the #dashoutSundays. It was great to see @anggreklestari post about her mushroom omelet. I gotta try this one.

My #DashOutSunday

Now it’s is a different type of #dashoutsuday! I don’t know about you but I am not a fan of oysters but for some reason it ended up being a dish I had over the weekend. Some friends were over and one of them decided to bring this sea creature.

My wife basically steamed it on the stove using water in a fry pan and covered it with foil, then on top of the foil, they set the oysters and covered it with the fry pan cover. I sniffed the air and said "who let a wet dog in the house"😂. But there was no wet dog to be found, it was the oysters. 🐶.


They say Oysters are a good aphrodisiac and great for the reproductive system but I don't need any of that at this time 😁. Don't think I will for the rest of my life. We had some other foods such as chicken and salads but my boys ate the chicken so fast I couldn't even take a pic.

How about you guys? Do you eat Oysters? I think if it was flavored Jamaican style I would have liked ......

Weekend DashOut

On Saturday it was the twins sports day. The event was a bit shorter and smaller due to the times, only their grade was present and only two guest for each student. My boys did well compared to other years. I remember in years before they wouldn't even bother to do the dance routines, all they were really interested in was the running. But this year they were fully involved.

Below is a pic of Kamar winning his race, yes he has a great advantage in that he is taller but hey, he still won.😄
Below is a picture of the older twin, Yumar, winning his race. Now you may be wondering why these pictures look so different. One was taken by me and the other by a friend, interestingly we both used the same exact camera and the same lens. What was different was the setting. One of us decided to go with manual exposure and focus. Can you guess who?

The blue team which my boys were on ended up winning the sports day. From earlier events this seemed somewhat like a miracle as they were being crushed in many events. Take that for a life lesson. I captured the moment when the team realized they won but by accident my camera was on scene mode 😒. It would have been the perfect shot, but the good thing is, this way I don't have to edit out any faces as Japanese child privacy laws are strict pertaining to social media. But hey, it turned out artistic right?😅


The After Sports day Celebration

So of course after that win we couldn't just go home right? " Daddy where are we going?" > "What?". So we ended up at the park. To our surprise there was a live concert going on, but that was not on the boys' radar, so I took a few pics and then we disappeared deeper into this kiddies wonderland.

The boys had fun jumping on a huge bubble thingy, sliding down the biggest slide I have ever seen, and also climbing on various jungle gyms. We also did a lift to he top of the hill where you could take a bobsled/slide down. But my boys were too young to actually do it. I could have lied to the staff and said they were old enough, but what kinda dad would I be? So down the hill we went, the same way we came up. After that their Japanese uncles took them to buy more toys as their birthdays were last week. I told them "hey, get a Nintendo switch". But they just ended up getting more the same, more bayblades, have a look if you have no clue.

All in all it was a good weekend and Sunday was more of a chill day expect a hospital trip as the older son claimed he couldn't walk as his knee hurt. But after an xray and echo test, it was fine, lets see how he does today.

As you can see, social distancing was in full effect at park concert. But there were so many people at the park, mostly in masks.

I leave you with this random pic of some moms watching over their kids at the park. I like these kinda natural photos, not sure if the moms would approve.



Oh, before I forget, the final Dash Out contest winners. Now this is crazy, giving away 6 HBD and 1,600 JAHM and only getting 2 entries,😄! I guess I didn't market it well enough. Well I am not gonna even choose a winner, but I will send the two entrants 2 HBD and 750 JAHM , each and keep the rest for myself.😂. ( Treat Yoself).

@yurilaya and @rarej you both walk away with 2 HBD and 750 JAHM each. Congrats guys, please check your wallets for the prizes 😎.

Have a good week everyone!
Stay IRIE, Stay Blessed!!!


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Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

 4 years ago  

Oysters, something I still have to try as a food. As soon as my Asia trip is possible again. The imported ones here by high end restaurants are crazy expensive anyway. As a seafood lover I can't wait!

Congrats with Yumar. Yeah, he's taller and bigger, but his running form is also better I think. In the photos you can see that he stretches out his legs more.
Loving the open air vibe, and the way almost everyone is respecting social distancing. With my Suriname brothers and sisters and their hot-headed nature this would be much more difficult.

Just 2 entries is crazy with the largest prize yet. It doesn't add up. High five nonetheless to @yurilaya and thank you for the prize @dmilliz. It's going straight to my new Hive-engine asset addiction and JAHM stake pile.

 4 years ago  

Hmm I'd think you would be able to get them from the sea in Suriname no?

The worst is when they actually eat them raw, not my cup or tea at all.

Yeah, same in Jamaica 😂.

In the entire park there was probably one group not wearing masks ( besides many kids) from a south American country with the highest death rate from the virus. Of course they have the right not to where one, but it shows me why this certain country got hit really hard.

yeah, very good prizes, maybe the easies and the highest on HIVE 😃but hey, cheers to the winners.

Nice: PS Stack that JAHM as you will play a role in bringing that value hehehe 😄 and will benefit in the future.

 4 years ago  

I'm not sure how that works with the different types of waters. We have mostly mudbanks instead of sandbanks across our coast, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Not being told what to do overtakes rational thinking. That's a very strong American (North, South and in-between) thing it seems. Unfortunately. That's why I try to stay inside as much as possible, instead of having to constantly tell people not to stand so close to me in lines.

Sure thing on that stack. Playing the long game. 🤟

Wow, what can I tell you @rarej it will be that the contestants saw they had no chance hehehe
I am very happy!

Thank you very much @demilliz I loved your contest since I saw it ... too bad it came to an end and I am excited to be part of it, HUGS!
I have never eaten oysters !!

 4 years ago  

I like that theory, let's go with that then. 😂

I’m not a big fan of oyster but still I want to try it. I never eat the same type about your oyster in there. Looks great!

You have humor too, about aphrodisiac. 😬😬😬😬

Have a great weekend my friend

 4 years ago  

I thin you will like the oysters fried, but this steam style isn't delicious😅.

You have humor too, about aphrodisiac.

That is the only reason I used to eat it😁

What a Sunday!

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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