donald.porter cross-posted this post in ReggaeJAHM 9 months ago

Lory land on hive my Introduction

in Introduce Yourself9 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone, I'm Loredana but you can call me Lory. I'm the secound doughter of Alexandru è Maria, and i was born in Romania year 1986.I studied University of economy but i wasnt lucky to work in the field. I love Travel, nature and photography.As a young girl, between one job and another, I had the opportunity to travel to Greece, Cyprus and Spain. The most exciting adventure was the visit to the stadium of the Real Madrid team, Santiago Bernadeu (for sure one day I will write about this).

At the age of 26 I decided to leave my parental home and moved to Italy. In Italy I survived the feeling of loneliness in search of something that today I call home. I am the mother of a wonderful 5-year-old boy who is the best part of me.

How did I land in HIVE?
The answer is simple.... A few months ago I decided to do something for my son's future and I start to study the world of cryptocurrency. My luck was to throw myself into Carib DAO community with honest and trustworthy people who opened the door to opportunities I would never have dreamed of. I landed in HIVE with the help of Donald Porter, one of the most positive and available people that I meet at the beginning of my journey in the cryptocurrency world.
I am here now... and my intention is to stay because I like to write about my experiences and my knowglege about anything, and I love to learn everything about other people's traditions and the world of cryptocurrency.
I'm still at the beginning of the street and trying to understand the fully potential of this platform.
I'm a fast learning person, friendly, ambitious and curious... So let's see where this street will take me... I hope it will be a bright street with a spring scent.

I wish you all pleasant reading and writing