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RE: ReggaeJAHM 🇯🇲 Online Zoom Linkup (Edited)

in ReggaeJAHM3 years ago

Happy to hear that. I’ve had some zoom meetings that have affected me for days.😂 Lol!
Due to the time difference, meetings are often very late at night or early morning for me. Caught up with quite a few friends. Didn’t want to miss out on the excitement but felt the effects afterwards. 😂😂It’s like jet lag.

 3 years ago  

hahaha I can imagine...
Haven't experienced it yet, but some fellow JCI members have also had online courses, which were hosted in Japan, so they also had some crazy hours last year... They would've traveled to Japan, but due to the travel ban everything went online.

 3 years ago  

JCI? Online is the new way now eh. We have to watch the hours. Lol

 3 years ago  

Junior Chamber International.; it's a non profit organization focused on giving youths the tools and giving them the opportunities to become future leaders and bring (sustainable) change/development in their local territories.

Hahaha that is indeed true about the hours.

 3 years ago  

Thanks. Great initiative. Really great fir the development of youths.