it's amazing how many % don't f-understand the picture of the world

in Regional Press2 years ago (edited)

Посмотрел резуљтаты голосованія по беднењкому обдуренному НАТОй Хўлу і хуею.
Удівітељно, как дохуя народу в % ніхуя не понімают в картіне міра


I looked at the results of the vote on the poor Khuylo fooled by NATO and hueyou

с 1917 Кремљ превратілся из обычного імперского завоевателя в центр лживой пропаганды і террорізма, тот геноцид, который устроїлі коммуністы по всех планете, показывает, что їих не стоїт слушать. 1/2 суши, отданной на растерзаніе релігії равенства, было первой ошибкой цивілізациї, централізованная діпломатія - второй. Нет смысла называть хўла презідентами, а пропагандонов - міністрамі і прочімі деятелямі. Чем скорее террорізм будет обезглавлен, а імперіалізм демонтірован, тем бољше будет спасено человеческіх жизней. Потері среді мірного населенія традіционно превышают цифры обезвреженных карателейsince 1917 the Kremlin has gone from being a mere imperial conqueror to a center of false propaganda and terrorism, the genocide that communists have perpetrated all over the planet shows that they should not be listened to. 1/2 of the land, given to the torment of the religion of equality, was the first mistake of civilization, centralized diplomacy - the second. It makes no sense to call khuylas presidents, and propagandists - ministers and other figures. The sooner terrorism is decapitated and imperialism dismantled, the more human lives will be saved. Losses among the civilian population traditionally exceed the numbers of neutralized punishers

ну а разработанные мною шахматные королевства способны демонтіровать устаревшие сістемы насілія менее чем за годwell, the chess kingdoms I designed are able to dismantle outdated systems of violence in less than a year

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!LOL (v) !HUG
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Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

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My wife accused me of being immature.
I told her to get out of my fort.

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Dear @pereu4ivatel, you just got hugged.
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What do they call a cubic zirconia in Ireland?
A sham-rock.

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не сужу + !LOL (!luv) !HUG

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If asbestos is really as bad as it is claimed...
...then I don't want to know how bad asworstos is.

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рањше планіровалі + !LOL (!luv) !HUG

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Why are farmers always winning awards?
Because they're outstanding in their field.

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!PIZZA + !LOL (!luv) и певною мірою

!PIZZA + !LOL (все вирішено, крім того, як жити) !HUG

!PIZZA + !LOL (!luv) пыталісь

і ты согласішься + !LOL (!luv) !HUG

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Why are bass guitarists always safe?
Because they stay out of treble.

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They’re selling pre-sliced fruit at Whole Foods
Hey, that's false advertising!

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Why doesn't Voldemort have glasses?
Nobody nose.

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Where did Phil Collins record all his songs?
In the Stu-Stu-Studio

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