Ka Kite Ano, Aotearoa (New Zealand)

in TravelFeed3 years ago (edited)


Ive been caught up with school works the past few weeks and i cant help but ponder about what to write. I could write about nursing? Friends? Family? Ehhh I want something different. I'm thinking maybe about my travels? Uhmm I could, but is my story worth it to share? Ive thought about it for the past few weeks, yet I still couldn’t decide if I want to do it. I asked Schatz about it, I said “hey, should I do a piece about New Zealand?”

Schatz agreed. I asked about the history of New Zealand and why it was called. Schatz, without hesitation, told me “you mean Aotearoa?.” I, being a curious person, googled about it and found the history behind it.

According to the Encyclopaedia of New Zealand (1966) Aotearoa was named by the Maori “Kupe.” The peculiar cloud over the land caught the attention of Kupe and thought to himself that maybe there’s land aho! His wife, Hine-te-aparangi shouted “He ao! He ao!” meaning she saw a cloud. With that Kupe called the land after his wife’s greeting to the cloud that welcomed them, hence the name, The land of the long white cloud. But this discovery of the beginning story of mine is one of many versions.

New Zealand.png

I still remember the first time I arrived in New Zealand. I was 10 years old back then. I remember the cold breeze that hit my face. It was my first ever international travel. The weather was gloomy accompanied with a soft down pour of rain. It was the beginning of winter back then. It was freezing cold like 15 degrees but no snow. I remember thinking to myself, maybe I bought the wrong type of clothing.

I was in the car with my family and I recall that vague feeling of being an alien to a country in which I am unfamiliar with. The car ride towards my aunt’s house was quiet, and the game on my samsung ipad was the one that calmed me. I didn't know what I was feeling back then, I was unsure. If only I knew the word “anxiety” back then it would perfectly describe my feeling.

It was a long drive from the airport all the way to Glenfield, Auckland. All I heard was inaudible sounds whenever my family were talking. I felt left out. Finally we arrived in Auckland. My cousin gave us a tour of my aunt's house. It was a regular New Zealand apartment since the housing in New Zealand is expensive, but it was enough for them. My aunt showed us to our rooms and we rested afterwards.

I still wasn’t settling down to the new environment but eventually my eyes were open to the beauty of New Zealand. Our first trip was when we went to Lake Pupuke. As we went to the lake, all I could ever think about was chomping on my pringles. It was at that moment I learned to love the country.

I still recall like it was just yesterday. The autumn leaves falling from the tree. The calm and serene vibe around the area. It was just overall peaceful. The nature and green lands makes you appreciate how beautiful the world is without the skyrise buildings and dusty infrastructures.

Lake Pupuke.png

Our second destination was Te Wai Orea “the waters of the eel” or the Western Springs Lakeside Park. I believe it was Auckland’s first early water supply. I was wearing a green overall winter suit. We had matching outfits with my cousin, we were looking like dancers. But still it was memorable. A young clueless child like me was easily bored. So I was looking over the waters and trying to find an eel since in my mind maybe thats why its called “the waters of the eel” because it is an eel infested lake. I tried so hard to find and eel but a swan was slowly approaching me. I freaked out and ran away because I read that if you come too close to the swan’s territory, they wont hesitate to attack you. So, off I go.

New zealand was really magical. Everywhere you go, there will always be green. Its also like the air is so clean that you’re breathing 100% clean oxygen. There are thousands of words for me to choose to describe New Zealand in one word, but in my mind there is no definite word for me to tell you how beautiful New Zealand is. It was really a lot to digest.

The waters of eel.png

There were a lot of places I visited in Auckland which I will explain in another separate blog post but those two were my first impressions of the country. They also made me appreciate the country, like It made me learn how not to be afraid or anxious, rather, open to the country and eventually ending up loving the country.

As the Hours turned into a day, and days turned into weeks, it was already time for me to go home to the Philippines. It hurts for me to say goodbye to NZ but I vowed that I would return again.. Soon..

I would not call this a travel piece but an opportunity for me to share my appreciation of the country, New Zealand.

Now that I am 22 and about to graduate Uni, I asked Schatz if I would ever be able to come back to the country. Schatz answered me “Ka Kite Ano'' meaning “See you tomorrow.” As tomorrow is unpredictable and that the tides can always change in my favor.

For now, allow me to share my polaroid photos accompanied by some new photos of Auckland. For more nature photos, you can visit Schatz’ instagram account @naturetodaynz

Aireen Yray.png


I was in the car with my family and I recall that vague feeling of being an alien to a country in which I am unfamiliar with.

I could definitely resonate with this feeling. Whenever I travel to a different country, there is always something so peculiar about the place that I just can't seem to comprehend 😂 But I definitely miss travelling and I for sure would want ti visit new zealand someday😍💕🥰

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:) cool. i get to learn a bit about where that name came from. it sounded so nice when it was said on Moana. :P

i would like if u could share some about nursing. why u chose that and like the day in the life of a nurse.. stuff like that. :)