A Quick Visit to The Sea in the Time of Corona

in TravelFeed4 years ago

At the height of the unfortunate events we live in, I had an opportunity to go to the sea, but not only for the sake of hiking, so the sea had a great impact on mental health as well as physical in the Corona era and in an attempt to find psychological and physical peace I found myself writing those words ....

Psychological peace

Psychological peace is the mental and emotional state in which you feel relaxed and calm, and there are no disturbing thoughts or things that strike your mind.
Sometimes we are exposed to bad situations that make us lose confidence in ourselves and in the world, our mood is impaired, we lose the ability to deal with others or do work, but I know that life will not isolate you as you retired and will continue to pour in on you as long as you surrender to it, and the best solution to avoid such a situation is to get rid of this Dark mood and courageously stand in front of these positions.

Psychological peace and self-alignment is the pinnacle of the spiritual pyramid to live happily, blissfully and peace of mind, through a long and continuous psychological training on a sense of trust based on competence, whether it is technical competence in knowledge and experience. Or a government department.

Psychological peace is a self-connection to achieve an internal call that is often a call to good in our hearts. Rather, it is peace that relates to the depth of our own lives from within. It is a life of pleasure in the midst of this life, not withdrawal from it.

Psychological peace and inner reassurance are shaped by a major meaning: giving and conscience:

Emotional giving with people is an emotional push for oneself.
Most of today's goals are based on individual accomplishments and are ultimately empty or deficient, with no toxic meaning and give their owners a sense of temporary temporary relief.

The sea in the time of corona

It is normal with the summer months that many go to tourist places to spend the summer vacation and enjoy the beaches and sea water,

Despite the strong warnings, there were a large number of Britons on the beaches to enjoy the weather, and commenting on that, one of the virologists explained that swimming in the sea is safer than sitting on the beach.

Professor John Paul of Nottingham explained that as long as people follow the usual advice to prevent corona and remain two meters apart, there is no problem and diseases like coronaviruses "don't like sea water and don't live in it" as well as public swimming pools are open, chlorine has an effective method Incredibly to kill viruses.

"I think that if people follow the advice there is no problem and that being abroad is good for mental health and well-being,
Therefore, when leaving the house or going to the beaches and gardens, it is advised to take the necessary precautions and stay away from others.




Photos Taken By me #Natalia

Thank You


I've always found the seaside to be a beacon of tranquillity.

I don't know how I feel about people visiting the beaches during the pandemic though. That is their choice and right I suppose. But the mass crowds of people aren't exactly the picture of peaceful relaxation.

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