Medieval festival in Pescia third part: Rione Santa Maria and the Cathedral.

in TravelFeed24 days ago (edited)

Good evening Hivers here I am again to take you to the third and final part of my trip to the wonderful Pescia. Here you can find the links to the first parts:

( and ( Once we reached our last district we found an area of the city that was a little more chaotic and a few fewer stalls but various taverns where we could enjoy simple dishes and drink draft beer. In fact our first step was to stop for something to eat, I don't have a photo of my husband's sausage sandwich but he immortalized me while I was biting into an excellent liver crouton sitting in the tavern, a beautiful courtyard of ancient rock. Next to the tavern a small alley led to a small church dedicated to San Michele, a truly simple place with a façade poor in ornamentation and a very fascinating stone interior with religious paintings hanging and a beautiful chandelier.


Buenas noches Hivers, aquí estoy de nuevo para llevaros a la tercera y última parte de mi viaje a la maravillosa Pescia. Aquí podéis encontrar los enlaces a las primeras partes:




Una vez llegamos a nuestro último distrito nos encontramos con una zona de la ciudad un poco más caótica y con algunos puestos menos pero varias tabernas donde poder disfrutar de platos sencillos y beber cerveza de barril. De hecho nuestro primer paso fue parar a comer algo, no tengo foto del bocadillo de salchicha de mi marido pero me inmortalizó mientras mordía un excelente crouton de hígado sentado en la taberna, un precioso patio de roca antigua.

Al lado de la taberna, un pequeño callejón conducía a una pequeña iglesia dedicada a San Michele, un lugar verdaderamente sencillo con una fachada pobre en ornamentación y un interior de piedra muy fascinante con pinturas religiosas colgadas y una hermosa lámpara de araña.

Afterwards we continued towards the cathedral, encountering beautiful views, tents and other churches with enchanting façades. The Cathedral immediately struck us with its grandeur, it stood out over the whole town. It is the primary place of worship in the town and is originally from the fifth century, it has been damaged several times and rebuilt and even restored in recent years. The interior is very rich and decorated mainly with colorful marble, the chapels are rich in decorations, statues and frescoes and there are various simpler niches, the dome is somewhat reminiscent of the shape of the pantheon in Rome, it is a true beauty of a cathedral. After the visit we returned home very happy and satisfied with the day spent. The medieval festival of Pescia is really nice and well done!


Luego continuamos hacia la catedral, encontrando hermosas vistas, tiendas de campaña y otras iglesias con fachadas encantadoras. La Catedral nos llamó inmediatamente la atención por su grandeza, destacaba sobre toda la ciudad. Es el principal lugar de culto de la localidad y es originario del siglo V, ha sido dañado varias veces y reconstruido e incluso restaurado en los últimos años. El interior es muy rico y está decorado principalmente con mármoles de colores, las capillas son ricas en decoraciones, estatuas y frescos y hay varios nichos más simples, la cúpula recuerda un poco la forma del panteón de Roma, es una verdadera belleza de catedral. Después de la visita regresamos a casa muy contentos y satisfechos con el día pasado. ¡La fiesta medieval de Pescia es realmente bonita y está bien hecha!

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Wow this is truly awesome, the medieval festival in Pescia looks absolutely amazing. I really liked how you described the food and the beautiful sights. The cathedral especially seems like the most breathtaking place with the very rich history and stunning architecture. Happy you shared this blog dearest.

This place is like a full on movie set, thanks for showing us around.

Thanks 😍😍

I only saw those images in some movies. Awesome place, Happy Festival.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@eustace-kidd(3/5) tipped @noemilunastorta

Wow Noemi anche questa festa sembra molto interessante😍

Sii è carinissima ma non come malmantile ❤️

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hermoso lugar se ve que hay mucha historia