City walk with flowers | Travel with me!

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

I had a beautiful morning walk after many many days! I stopped counting, how many days we are living inside. The number stresses me out. It's better to not count anymore and just wait for the day when we can live a normal life again.


This place is one of my favorites not just because of the natural view but also I actually don't have many options or alternatives, I would say. My city- Dhaka which is the capital of Bangladesh is not planned. It's hard to get some fresh air in this 'concrete made' city. This place is saving me for many years, especially in this quarantine! Though I only visited twice this place in these four months but it was a nice visit!




I found these beauties while walking!

You can the concrete structures behind the flowers. It seems like a two different world to me. Every time I pass the road, it gives me the same feeling. I wish I could cover the whole city with flowers and greens!

The major attraction of this area is the huge lake. The fresh winds and the greenery can make anyone feel refreshed. You can have a nice walk in the lake park, sit there to enjoy the view. Also, there's a plant nursery where you can but many types of fruit, veggies and flower plants. People have nowadays started a community garden beside the lake, which is a really nice initiative!



I wouldn't say this is a must-visit type of something. But it surely is a major place in this city where thousands of people visit to have a walk, enjoy the beauty and relax. I'm fortunate enough that this place is just beside my living area so I can visit there more often. Though in this quarantine it became impossible for me. When you have to worry and protect your kid, the story really changes.

I hope you enjoyed my captures! I would love to enter on Beautiful Sunday By @ace108, and Sublime Sunday, created by @c0ff33a through these images.


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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