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RE: Headless flamingoes

in StreetArt9 months ago

First I thought the mural/graffiti was made by some anon person, but you have the name.
Wondering very much why the chopped heads. Must be some hidden message. Or none at all and the artist just try to play with the viewers {LOL}
But darn, what an upgrade from before! That building shall not be torn down at any time. Or only after the flamingos and the rest got their way out and exploring the world in other areas.


Must be some hidden message.

It must be! The only thing I can think of is what people do to the birds by messing up/polluting the river. It seems cleaner now and I have seen the flamingoes. But for many years not a single one showed up.

I hope it stays! It better :) Whatever they are gonna do there.

wouldn't be beautful when the painted flamingo's will show the status of the water? the head growing towards its body when the river gets cleaner? I guess we need dynamic paint for that. something to be invented still 🙃

Oh that would be very cool indeed! :D