CCC's Street Art Contest #142: Ixchel, Mayan Goddess of the Moon and so much more

in StreetArtlast year
It's been a little while since I've participated in the [CCC's Street Art Contest]( but it's absolutely not because I lack material. I don't think there's a day where I'm not taking photos of some amazing piece of artwork on a random wall here in Playa del Carmen when I'm out and about. I must have at least 50 different murals and even more photos of street-art here, and that's just the ones I took close to home. There are so many more! I can be on a bus or in a taxi, and see one that I try to remember for later so I can go back and take photos. This city is only small compared to places like Cancun, for instance, so I can only imagine what else is out there. But I'd say if I were to discover all that's out there in this city alone, it'd take me weeks, if not months. Once I have a car, I might just set off to do just that for a little while.

But let's get into what I found.

Street-art of Mayan Goddess Ixchel by @fosilmuralista

The name wasn't hard to find this time, and once I searched for it on the interwebs, I found the artists' website as well as his Instagram and Twitter handle, as well as his other social media. If I've read it all correctly, the artist is a man from or living in Guanajuato, Mexico.

If you love his art like I do, please go check him out, follow the man, and show him some love.
I will send him the link to this post in a message, and who knows, we may be able to welcome him to Hive soon too!

But I'll get to the art now, as this was what I was going to do here haha.

SO here it goes.





I chose the first picture as my main photo because it shows most of the work.
It's very hard to get it all in one picture because it's huge and the street quite narrow.
So I made sure to take a few close-ups to highlight some of it too.
The trees didn't make it easy either but I actually like that they're in the photo because it gives it an extra touch.
The pictures aren't the best but it was what I got. I might go back to try to get better ones another time.
This mural can be found on 5th Avenue, close to Calle 60 Norte if I'm not mistaken.

On the artist's Instagram, I found a video of his visit to Playa del Carmen
only a few weeks ago, in which you can see the artist in action, and then the finished piece. I love that!
If you read the description next to it, you will find the story of Ixchel, one of the most important deities of the Mayan Culture. Among many other things, Ixchel was the Moon goddess in Mayan mythology. Since I was born in July, I've always been interested in anything that has anything to do with the moon, and this goddess is no exception. If you find the time, read more about her. I promise, it'll be worth it!

I'll leave it at this.
I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I did!

Here are the artist's details again, just in case you'd like to check out his other work.
The artist's website
The artist's Instagram
The artist's Twitter
The artist's YouTube


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Hello friend @misslasvegas I found your photos incredible and certainly the trees give that natural touch that enhances these works in the streets. The mural is impressive and very beautiful. It is about a Goddess and those themes related to them are very interesting to me I love to know the mysticism that revolves around their stories. Thank you for sharing

Hi @mergusa88 and thank you for taking the time to read and view my post! I'm glad you enjoyed the art as much as I did.
Yes, the stories behind the Mayan mythology are very interesting and there's so much info around, you could get lost in it haha.

Thank you again!

This is fantastic (so is the rest of his art -- what a talent). Reading about Ixchel's story, you certainly get an awareness for the little elements in the art. Thanks for sharing!!

Yes, I really loved seeing the stories incorporated in the art work.
It made me read more about it and its significance (the rabbit is a whole other story too, for instance). The artist captured it all very well.
Nice to hear from you my friend!

Yes, exactly. I think a lot of cultures have the rabbit as a symbol of fertility, no? I'm guessing it's the same there, with Ixchel being a symbol of fertility, also, as well.
Indeed it is, long time no see. Glad you're well!

Rabits somehow keep showing up in Mayan as well as Aztek stories. There's fertility but also other stories about them. It's really quite interesting once you get to reading about it.

Yes, long time no see but I plan to be here more often again. I have the tendency to slack off a bit and then not write anything for weeks or even months, and then I realise how much I miss this and I'm back haha.

Beautiful wall, very poetic but difficult to find the meaning of this work without your information. I'll read about Ixchel... Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community. Hope to see more murals from Playa del Carmen.

Thank you for coming here to admire the artists' work. Ixchel is quite a Goddess. I'm not surprised that she was important to the Mayan people.
I will definitely post more art from here. There are so many around, it'd keep me busy for months if I had to find them all.

I hope to see more Street Art from your place with interesting explanation. Always cool to learn something new. Have a great day.

Awesome mural, my favorite this week! May you get the first prize for it.

Oh thank you! Well, I've seen quite some beautiful pieces online and around here but I agree that this is an awesome mural. It's my favourite not only because of the work and details put into it but the meaning behind it as well as that the artist is just a very great guy. I've been in touch with him and now trying to get him signed up to Hive. :)

Awesome! You know the artist in person!

Not really in person. I sent him a message on Instagram with the post.
I told him I'd buy him a coffee when he's back in PDC, and he offered me his home if I ever visit Guanajuato. 😆 I guess that showed to me that he's a really great guy.
I felt humbled. Coffee, HAH!
Anyway, I asked him if he'd consider joining Hive and he was really interested.
So hopefully we'll see him here soon. :)

Cool! Goog job with the onboarding. And you most certainly need to visit Guanajuato. It's such an awesome town!