Antofagasta Street Art (En/Es)

in StreetArt7 months ago



In the line of my posts about the street art of Antofagasta, in this occasion I present photos of a recent mural located in the center of this city of the north of Chile.
You can see it has very vibrant colors, however I do not know if its thematic is related with video games or comics. In the wall where this painting is located there was the mural that I reviewed some weeks ago in this post. This shows that street art is continuously evolving.


En la linea de mis publicaciones sobre el arte urbano de Antofagasta, en esta ocasión presento un serie de fotografías de un mural de reciente elaboración ubicado en el centro de la ciudad.
No sé si la temática está relacionada con algunos personajes de videojuegos o comics.
Pueden observar que los colores son bastantes vibrantes.
En esta misma pared estaba pintado un mural (hasta hace muy poco), que reseñé hace unas semanas atrás en este post.
Esto muestra que el arte urbano está evolucionando constantemente y continuamente.


The photos were taken with the camera of a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra and edited in Gimp.

La fotografías fueron tomadas con la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra y editadas en Gimp.


These photos are my entry of this week CCC’s Street Art Contest (#165) organized by @digi-me, the rules of the contest are here.

Con esta fotos estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico sobre arte urbano: CCC’s Street Art Contest #165 organizado por @digi-me. Las reglas del concurso están en este post.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.

Gracias por visitar mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.

Photos by @nenio — All rights reserved


Oh Attack on Titan ( Anime ) very nicely done, also the anime is not bad

Thanks for pointing it out. I know nothing about this culture.

Fortunately there's @street-ar to find the anime. It reminded me of Street Fighter. Cool wall. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a great day !PIZZA


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@heroldius(1/5) tipped @nenio