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RE: The biggest bottle of whiskey I've seen

in Whisky/Whiskey4 months ago

That's a lot of whisky! I've seen pretty big containers here with multi-liters. I think 3 might be the max I've seen. Sake commonly comes in a 3 liter size. The largest common traditional bottles are 一升, which is about 1.8 liters I think, but there are cardboard contains that give an even 3 liters. Japanese whisky gets put in the big containers too. Hmm... maybe more.. I'll have to check out the hard liquor section next time I go to the store!


3 liter bottles are very big, and I've seen red wine magnum bottles before, but I don't think they were as big as the 4.5 litre bottle of whisky. It'll be interesting to see how big a Japanese whiskey you can find 😊