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RE: Springbank 10 years

Yeah, I came back in Feb 2020, it was supposed to be a one month family visit. Then covid blew up, Taiwan closed their border for two years and I couldn't get back in. I was stranded in UK, which tbh wasn't such a bad thing as I'd rather be stranded on home soil during covid rather than on a tourist visa in Taiwan not knowing if and when I'd be kicked out. After that, it just felt too much effort to restart life again in Taiwan.

I take it you're going to stay put in Spain? Don't blame you, we'd like a bit of sun please 🙂


Ahh! Well I'm glad you've seemingly settled back into no sunshine land.

Reckon you'll need regular holidays to catch that elusive sunshine, but in the meantime i'll try to provide some via Hive :)

Send some of that sun over anytime!!