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RE: Obtaining Samurai Clan Armor

in Gaming Photography4 months ago (edited)

You have my promise, from this day onward, only my original text/sentence will be presented and posted to my favorite community.


I hope there won't be any punishment for this time and I hope you won't have any problem as you're not going to continue the wrong way.

of course people will judge me differently after this

That I can't guarantee as each people has their own way with thoughts.

will react positively and keep posting daily like usual with motivation to do better

I'd advice you to avoid posting daily in a certain community as each community should have limited resource to reward your content and you shouldn't want your hard work to go without a decent reward.

I would recommend you to focus on building your network by engaging more with people instead of posting too frequent, as 3 posts per day can be considered spamming on Hive and I see 4 on your blog in last 24 hours.

I guess I mentioned it earlier and here we go again. "We suggest you to check what others are contributing in this community and feel free to engage with them through your comments, upvotes and follows."


I'd advice you to avoid posting daily in a certain community as each community should have limited resource to reward your content and you shouldn't want your hard work to go without a decent reward

Ahh.. it's hard to decide, I love posting at actifit. I do realize that you don't name certain community, but that's where I post daily. I don't know why, I had this feels of needing to post daily on it regardless of it's rewards. It's probably because of the steps tracked within the app. I enjoy posting about it and adding stories behind it. And there's AFIT as well as HBD rewards too. Well, I accept that what you said is right. Actually, I slept late (3.30 am I think) last night and the night before, that's where the 3 posts came from, while taking care of my sick kid, I wrote content so I could post here and there, my only mistake was I ask ai to rewrite it better. It's not like I don't have the idea to write, I thought it's just a tool to make it better and I love to read the result too. Little did I know, it was wrong doing.

I would recommend you to focus on building your network by engaging more with people instead of posting too frequent, as 3 posts per day can be considered spamming on Hive and I see 4 on your blog in last 24 hours.

Noted that. Thank you for your recommendation. When the time comes, I will do that. When the day was not full with chores and not exhausted much. Thank you.

I guess I mentioned it earlier and here we go again. "We suggest you to check what others are contributing in this community and feel free to engage with them through your comments, upvotes and follows."

Will do. Thank you.

You can do or write anything you want and its up to you about many many posts you wish to write a day. Trust me, I don't have any problem with that. Its not even my opinion. I just shared with you what others might think about publishing multiple posts a day. I didn't even check how often you write actifit posts and I don't problem with that too as I normally focus on my community.

As you were talking about posting daily, that's why I just let you know what I learned myself.

I'm only trying to help and nothing else. I hope you understand.

I fully understand. I can't thank you enough. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I'll keep your advice in mind.