The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 75) "we are testing our new community WORLD OF XPILAR"

in del4 years ago



After spending fifteen days of rest by means of a permission granted by my superiors of the armed forces of my Country for being colonel of the naval and for being the second in command of the patrol frigate of the eastern coasts of the country which is a very serious responsibility since I must coordinate with coastal land posts throughout the east of the country to take care of territorial waters and from which unauthorized incursion of foreigners or criminals or pirates of the sea.


Today I receive the guard as second in command of the frigate called El Patriota which covers the entire eastern part of the country, because of my return the frigate captain is on leave for fifteen days as well and therefore I remain in command of this crew of men and women who belong to the armed forces and who perform different types of functions based on their preparation and specialization in the military career they perform.
Sailing through the sea is the most beautiful thing that a human being can do and enjoy the different marine species that come out of the water to breathe fresh air, like whales, flying weights, dolphins, manta rays, turtles swimming along the banks to bury the eggs for their young that I always observe also swim from the shore, but we also have to face sea pirates who hide on the coasts to see who happens to attack and steal, in addition to facing unidentified objects that appear and disappear in a ghostly way that with Powers superior to those that we handle which neutralize our different radar systems that we have but when they see our presence they leave quickly so that they are not identified.


Precisely today in the daily night patrol we witness in front of the island La Tortuga unidentified objects in the form of bright balloons over the sea grouped in a pyramid shape reflecting in the sea and a bright gray light that illuminated the entire island for this reason the voice of alarm and the crew prepared for any contingency and notified the general commander of the naval of my country where he informed me that he would send me reinforcements, when we began to approach that pyramid of light was gradually moving away from the island and from us Until we lost sight of the most surprising thing about this beautiful strange show was that the unidentified objects were not detected by the radars, you know of their existence because we were face to face by chance, the staff tried to record the phenomenon and could not do it alone He was able to take some photos to present it in the news report of the day.
