Hay while the sun shine

in Humanitaslast month (edited)

Image is mine

I have one awful habit and that is, I like prolonging things. Procrastination is my middle name in fact you see that anxiety, that rush working under pressure?? Yeah, that panic attack of almost dying because you just feel the time might go against you, and you miss your target? Yeah, that feeling is my forte and that is precisely how I function.

Back then in Uni, exams will start like this, and others will be writing, trying to work with time, me? Aunty I will do it later, will be reading one question twenty times, that is the time I will be remembering the best spots in time and how my friends and I need to go and turn up.

Time will be going, I will manage to write like two lines, give space, go to the next question, write another two to three lines, give space again until I will attempt all the questions and then relax.

While I am relaxed, I would try to think of the best suitable answer to fill in those spaces, but nothing will come, my head will be empty.

People will be submitting, but I will still be sitting there like mother of the day. But let the exam invigilator just say you have twenty minutes more, come and see speed, precision and determination.

The way my hands will be moving? The way the answers to the questions will be coming to my head? Often time I get shocked like, where are all these answers coming to my head from?

I would often question in my mind “is this the same head that was empty twenty minutes ago?” I will even remember what the course lecturer taught us the first day of lecture.

By five minutes more, the hall is already almost empty, just me and maybe two other individuals remaining. Then the time will elapse and while the remaining people are going to submit, I will be running with my answer script so that the invigilator will not take it from me.

Not just that, but I will be jumping from one chair to the other, trying to put the finishing touches to my answers.

Every so often, the invigilator will get angry and leave the hall to his office, abandoning my answer booklet with me.

At that point, eh? I will hurriedly finish up then rush after the invigilator, begging him to collect my script.

This is my bad character still followed me to work, I will have task at hand, but you will see me getting distracted with irrelevant things.

The moment the deadline draws near? That is when you will see me resuming really early and closing very late. I will be doing overtime and sometimes get overwhelmed but the fact that I always get the task done under such short time and pressure, is why I have not seen reasons to change.

Procrastinating stresses me out, and I know that if I can find a way around it and make hay while the sun shine, I will achieve a lot.

When it comes to living, I am not really one who plans, I just go with the flow. The thing is, whenever I plan, I rarely achieve or actualize much of my plans. It's almost like I am planning to fail, so I do not really bother with planning.

It was when I got on hive, I started working on my bad habits with procrastination and failing to plan. I realized that if you want to get the full benefit of hive and enjoy it to the fullest, you have to plan because the system seem to be working with time and agenda.

You cannot maneuver hive, you cannot go with the flow on hive. Furthermore, you snooze you loose and this is undoubtedly how I have it with my work resumption time and my early morning school runs.

Every day from Monday to Friday, I wake up by 2am if I am making fresh meals but if I have food from the previous day, I wake up by 3am or sometimes 4 in the morning.

By 5am, my daughter and I had already freshen up and by 6am, she's having her breakfast and getting set for school, while I dress for work afterward. Thus, by 7am on the dot we are both out of the house beating traffic and early morning rush.

Any day I get on procrastinating my wake-up time and keep snoozing my alarm clock by 10 mins, maybe I finally wake up by 5am or 6am, I will just zero my mind that we are going late for that day and the rest of my day will be ruined, with me barely achieving anything.

The good thing is, I am gradually leaving the unserious table of procrastination, and I do hope no one else is on the table.

Thank you for reading.

Above is my response to the Mayinleo prompt for day 19. You can participate here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lol, reading the exam part reminded me of myself. Funny thing is, I still do it😅

Well, it's good you have overcome it, I keep wondering if there is a special way to overcome it or just by determination.

The only way to overcome it is to tell yourself enough is enough 😂

Oh my gosh, I thought my sleep patterns were bad! Please try to get more sleep. Your body needs it! I realised I was doing myself a disservice and it will affect your health. I now try to get to bed earlier most days each week and get a good nights sleep. I still stay awake late maybe 2 nights a week but this is much better than I was! Don't procrastinate - go to sleeeeeeeeeeeep... hehe

i dropped in from Dreemport this evening to read your post.


😂 I am working on my sleep pattern, I steal small small sleeps here and there during the day and at early hours of the evening. Makes me feel much better than I was.

Thank you for coming through #dreemerforlife 🥰🤝

Aunty I will do it later

So you are one among the people that we used to leave in the exam hall then 😂 sometimes, I will be forced to come to the hall window and asked "what are you writing"?😂 Not knowing that it's brother procrastination that is dealing with them😂

Procrastination is indeed stress

It's a good thing you are gradually leaving the table

lmaooo we are not writing more than what you have written in the last hours 😂

I agree with you that here on Hive to get the best out of it, one must plan as most prompts have deadlines, so if you snooze, you lose.

Procrastination is truly a thief of time and makes one disorganized. It's good you've started working on your bad habits.

Hey darling dreemer, it's another awesome #dreemerforlife saying have a great day.

Funny enough, I have never been an “I’ll do it later” kind of person. If I don’t do it, I just can’t even think straight.


Procrastination is a major challenge to many people including me. One would keep on pushing tasks forward until it gets to the deadlines and rushing would creep in. It requires a concerted efforts and scheduling of activities to fight procrastination.

Waking up by 2 am? Just wondering your time of going to bed. You must be a Lagosian.


Lmaoo that's the thing, I am not even a lagosian 😂🤣. Usually go to bed on or before 10pm max. Was living in PH then.