The impact of procrastination on our daily lives

in Humanitaslast month

Greetings, beloved Hive users!

Welcome to another day of the #mayinleo prompt. I'm excited to participate in all of the days. And I am encouraged to step up my engagement in this prompt.


To begin with, people procrastinate differently, putting off some work that would have taken place, and being less concerned. Procrastination is not like postponing activities but it is beyond what we think of. Procrastination is deeper than what we could imagine.

Extreme procrastination has serious and inevitable consequences that can ruin our destinies and leave us in despair. It causes a lot of damage to us as we journey through life. Procrastination is like retrogressing instead of progressing.

Most people don't realize that procrastination affects every area of our lives, including our mental and physical health. Many people refuse to understand, that procrastination has instilled the seed of failure into our hearts and it has been planted. Nevertheless, procrastination is a thief who is not satisfied, he wants to steal more for his satisfaction.

I had this colleague in our classroom, who liked procrastinating on stuff. He did this and it became part of his life and now he is living with it and it can't change for the better. But he desired change, it would come.

Procrastination is a stealer of destinies, don't encourage it in your life.

let's consider the impact of procrastination on our daily lives

Academy pursuit

Many students have failed at school due to a lack of discipline towards reading, giving room for procrastination to affect their grades and performance at the school level. Drawing them backward instead of attaining higher. Nonetheless, students have seen the need to read their books every day, no matter what to overcome delays.

There are strategies to overcome procrastination and they are determination. The saying goes, determination leads to success. If you determine in your heart to make it in your academic pursuit, you will make it and come out with flying colors. Another is setting goals. Have what you want to achieve at school crystallized and work towards it vehemently. Reading your books is one of the best strategies to succeed in your academy.

Blowing opportunities

Many people have missed opportunities because they didn't take advantage of them when they were there. Some opportunities come once and you can't tell if it is coming again and you might never guarantee a second chance.

Ruining your career

Procrastination has ruined people's careers, missing out on appointments, missing deadlines for promotion, and missing out on targets.
For you to achieve your goals at your place of work, you need to stay out of procrastination, unless it will ruin your career and the outcome would be detrimental to your health.

Low self-esteem

People tend to procrastinate because of low self-esteem which tells you won't be able to achieve a particular task or done the right way.

Procrastination in creativity


peace effiong, [5/19/2024 5:37 AM]
This particular one is very rampant. A lot of us have a creative mindset but procrastination has always been the stumbling block to achieving, developing, or expanding our creative power.
For instance, if I want to make a bead, I have all the materials with me and am left to indulge myself to get the results I want but refuse to commit myself because of procrastination, I'm bound to fail in this course. Therefore, procrastination doesn't in any way spur creativity instead it kills.

Procrastination in decision making

Indecision leads to procrastination. Refusal to make decisions at the right time, and being accurate with your decision can cause delays in your project and if care is not taken, that project might not be successful. Good decision-making at the right time, will help you overcome procrastination.

Procrastination in mental and physical health

Procrastination is similar to stress. It affects both mental and physical health, creating stress and unhealthy behavior that can't be resolved in a short time. Mental and physical health is pivotal to us, we should try and fend for them.

Overall, procrastination is a chronic disease that can destroy and damage your visions, goals, and health. We should try and avoid procrastination as it won't lead us to success but instead doom.

This post is in response to the #mayinleo prompt with the focus, procrastination, planning, and I am club

Thank you for reading through my blog.

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace

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