Hello to all those who make life in this wonderful and ingenious community. I must clarify that this is my first time in it and I liked this initiative of which I will outline my experience, I'm excited!
Creativity has always been present in my life since I can remember. Since my mother made cakes for me and my sisters for our birthdays and my father made us beautiful piñatas; I inherited this talent from both of them.
🇪🇦 Portada realizada utilizando los elementos gratuitos de las aplicaciones móviles de InShot y Canva 📸 // 🇺🇲 Cover made using the free elements of the InShot and Canva mobile apps 📸
As a child I always loved to sew by hand, once I learned to do it on my own, I would sit for hours making dresses for my Barbies. It is a beautiful memory of my childhood.I also remember that I did my activities and work for school on my own, I just asked my parents for the materials I would need and that was it. I did everything on my own initiative. I was always very responsible with my homework.
I am currently a lover of cooking and handicrafts. I like to recreate succulent dishes with which I amaze my guests. I also inherited this talent from my mother. As far as I remember, she did not attend any cooking school or course, many tricks she inherited from her grandmother and others she learned on her own. One always says: "my mom is the best".... But me for example: I love my mom's hallacas. In my life I have eaten others as tasty and substantial 🤯
I am known for being very creative. Besides cooking, I love crafts. Making personalized details and recycling materials to make these details is my passion. I thank God for the gifts I have been given and I try to make the most of them.
I put my creative cooking and crafting skills to work with each of my baby Maximiliano's birthdays. We celebrated with a different theme each month. Especially now that the celebration of the first birthday of my first born is approaching and although it will be a small celebration, many of the decorations were bought but I will give it my personal touch.

In this #hive platform I have been able to share my tutorials on various crafts that I have done and that fills me with satisfaction and joy. Human beings have a creative streak by nature, it's just that some of us find it easier to discover it than others.
If you have a creative talent, show it to the world and make the most of it. I have an IG account where I post what I do, it's called @madewithlovebyroy. I hope I can make a living from it because I love crafts. Because when you love what you do, you don't work a day in your life and that's exciting.
Gracias por leer mi experiencia ☺️ Nos vemos en otra oportunidad ❤️
Thanks for reading my experience ☺️ See you another time ❤️

🇪🇸Todas las fotografías fueron tomadas y editadas desde mi XIAOMI REDMI NOTE 11S / 🇺🇲All the photographs were taken and edited from my XIAOMI REDMI NOTE 11S 🇪🇸Este texto es redactado por @royvego55 y traducido al inglés utilizando el traductor de DeepL / 🇺🇲This text is written by @royvego55 and translated to English using the DeepL translator. |||🇪🇸Todos los derechos reservados / 🇺🇲All rights reserved / @royvego55 |||
Hola @royvego55 !Saludos desde el norte! jeje
Gracias por participar en esta iniciativa en la comunidad #Humanitas
Nunca he comido sopa de mariscos, aunque a decir verdad no me llama mucho la atención ya que no acostumbro a comer comidas del mar más allá de atún o sardina jeje
Hola amigo @acont 🙏🏽☺️ Pues tienes que recrearla. Abajo te dejo el link de mi receta. ¡Queda súper exquisita! Saludos ♥️
Felicidades por poner en practica tu talento en las manualidades y en la cocina, las decoración en las fiestas de tu nene se ven muy bonitas y los platos que nos muestras espectacular! Tal como dices cuando haces lo que te gusta todo quedara siempre muy bien. Saludos
Así es, amiga. Muchas gracias por comentar mi publicación 🙏🏽♥️🌻