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RE: Evolution of edged tools results in G-dog's MUT

in Knives4 years ago

Sounds like you had some cool knives! I really like them, and I guess, appreciate the work that goes into making them (The hand made ones I mean). We have a big knife show here each year and I go along and have a look. Great to see the passion of the makers and they different techniques.

I believe it is smart to teach young people an appreciation of many things as later in life they can then develop and grow into the areas they most like...Expose them to many things and let them choose I guess is what I'm saying.


There's a pretty good bladesmith group on facebook i belong to. Its eye candy several times a day. If you've got facebook.

 4 years ago  

I'm not on FB...Can't stand it, although I know there's a few good groups on there. I'm ok about missing them though; Anything to not have FB in my life.

I don't blame you i moderate a group on facebook which s why im on there. And to keep in touch with some friends as that's the only way they communicate. But there's so much acerbic vitriol on facebook. Especially if you're in the states. Just never ending posts about politics. I purposely subscribe to astrophotography and flower groups so they fill up my board as much as possible in hopes they'll drown out all the shit posts.

 4 years ago  

I was on FB a while back, a couple years now but never posted anything. I used it to keep up with a few things I'm interested in. I decided to get rid of it though, just didn't see the point any longer. Best thing I ever did.

I'm close. I just have a lot of very valuable memories n my facebook page of the kid. Probably keep my page as is as a reminder of who i was. but not post to it anymore. Hive is so much better.

 4 years ago  

It's so difficult for people to get rid of FB, I guess because the habit it forms. I don't see it as overly healthy, I mean for those who can't go 3 seconds without posting something or checking it. There's a whole word out there if only people look up from their phone. The other thing is...Since when do people think others actually five a fuck about what they do every minute of the day? I couldn't care less, and so it wasn't hard for me to dispose of it. Sure, it helps people keep up with others, but there's other, more secure ways to do so where one's information isn't stolen. Yep, hive is way better.

I concur. Like i said i just check three or four friends on facebook. Keep up with the australia frangipani society. Australia amateur astronomy and my own private aerospace forum.

Im about to delete about 75 percent of my "friends" on facebook. Only people that are or have bern close to me stay. Im tired of people i font care about bragging and i dont want to hear peoples political vitriol all day.

I exposed the boy to bushwalking. Astronomy. Sports. Swimming. Cooking. Martial arts. Gardening. Social skills. Geography. And the joys of playing in the rain. I was a good dad. A really good dad.

 4 years ago  

I agree, seems like you gave him the chance to experience a lot of things and that'll go well for him as he van choose what he's interested in. So many parents try to pigeon hold their kids, force them one way or the other. I'm not a parent, but that seems a little limiting.