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RE: Ancient ruins

I feel like we have traveled along with you as you narrate this experience, and not only because of the striking images you have shared, which are great and beautiful, but because I even learned from what you learned on this visit to the mountains and their history, it's all very interesting. thank you so much for sharing quality content on #tbt Thursdays, I appreciate it very much 🙏

Siento que hemos viajado junto a tí mientras narras esta experiencia, y no solo por las llamativas imágenes que has compartido, que son geniales y hermosas, sino porque hasta aprendí de lo que tu aprendiste en esta visita a las montañas y su historia, todo es muy interesante. muchas gracias por compartir contenido de calidad en los Jueves de #tbt, lo aprecio mucho 🙏


Thank you very much for appreciating my content. I am glad you do. How much I appreciate that my narration has transported you to that place and you have enjoyed its beauty and history. Greetings from Cuba.

Muchas gracias por apreciar mi contenido. Me alegra que así sea. Cuanto agradezco que mi narración te haya transportado a ese lugar y hayas disfrutado de su belleza e historia. Saludos desde Cuba.