Ancient ruins

in Throwback Thursday5 months ago

I continue to bring back fond memories to share with you. Wonderful community that takes us back in time and allows us to live again through memories.

This visit was to Las Terrazas, a tourist complex full of mountains, lakes, rivers, ruins of old coffee plantations and divine nature.


Before, this territory belonged to the province of Pinar del Río, but in 2011 a new political-administrative division incorporated this part of the Cuban geography to the province of Artemisa.

We had visited this place many times, but never with a guide knowledgeable about the history of these mountains and the ruins of old French coffee plantations that are found everywhere.

When this area was reforested in 1970, 74 ruins were found, and the only one, partially restored, is the one we visited.

In these mountains at more than 240 meters above sea level, the Frenchman Don Saint Salarrabe built his hacienda, the Buenavista Coffee Plantation. He came to have a staff of 126 slaves to attend to his 107 hectares planted with coffee. They lived and exploited the land for approximately 50 years, after which they decided to leave because the production was no longer the same. When they left, the hacienda was abandoned for 150 years.



The partially restored mansion is now a restaurant and the surrounding area preserves the ruins of when it was built in 1801. You can see the stone walls of the warehouses and the slaves' barracks. Further up is the tahona, the huge and heavy mill for hulling, threshing and polishing the coffee beans and next to it the large spaces of the drying sheds.

ruinas barracones.jpg




From here the view is a gift, in the distance, behind the mountains, you can see the sea.


Traces of slavery, a sad flinch of human history, are engraved on every stone of these ruins.
They remain as a warning that such times cannot return.


We could not end this tour without first taking a dip in the cool waters of the San Juan River.

rio san juan.jpg

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Sigo trayendo gratas memorias para compartir con ustedes. Maravillosa comunidad que nos traslada en el tiempo y nos permite volver a vivir a través del recuerdo.

Este visita fue a Las Terrazas, un complejo turístico lleno de montañas, lagos, ríos, ruinas de viejos cafetales y divina naturaleza.

Antes, este territorio pertenecía a la provincia de Pinar del Río, pero en el 2011 una nueva división política administrativa incorporó esta parte de la geografia cubana a la provincia de Artemisa.

Habíamos visitado muchas veces este lugar, pero nunca con un guía conocedor de la historia que encierra estas montañas y las ruinas de antiguos cafetales que se encuentran por doquier.

Resulta que en estos parajes existió más de medio centenar de cafetales franceses. Cuando está área se reforestó en 1970, se encontraron 74 ruinas, y la única, parcialmente restaurada es esta que visitamos.

En estas montañas a más de 240 metros sobre el nivel del mar construyó su hacienda el francés Don Saint Salarrabe, el Cafetal Buenavista. Llegó a tener una dotación de 126 esclavos para atender sus 107 hectáreas sembradas de café. Vivieron y explotaron la tierra aproximadamente 50 años, después decidieron marcharse porque las producciones ya no eran las mismas. Al irse la hacienda estuvo abandonada 150 años.

La casona, parcialmente restaurada, es hoy un restaurante y en sus alrededores se preservan las ruinas de cuando fue construida en 1801. Se pueden ver los muros de piedra de los almacenes y los barracones de los esclavos. Más arriba se encuentra la tahona, el enorme y pesado molino para descascarar, trillar y pulir los granos de cafe y al lado los grandes espacios de los secaderos.

Desde aquí la vista es un regalo, a lo lejos, detrás de las montañas, se divisa el mar.

Huellas de la esclavitud, triste flajelo de la historia de la humanidad están grabadas en cada piedra de estas ruinas.
Permanecen como advertencia de que tiempos así no pueden volver.

No podíamos terminar este recorrido sin antes darnos un chapuzón en las frescas aguas del Río San Juan.

All rights reserved on the text and images, which are of my authorship unless otherwise indicated. I use DeepL for translation because my English is very bad 🤭.

Derecho reservado sobre el texto y las imágenes, que son de mi autoría a no ser que indique lo contrario. Uso DeepL para la traducción porque mi Inglés es muy malo. 🤭


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These ruins are explaining the story of 150 years and narrating all the sorrow which these bricks have seen during the time of coffee production.

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Sad history that was the reality of many colonized countries. Although slavery has been abolished, there are other sad realities of the modern world that should be eliminated.

When visiting such places one has mixed feelings, right? So beautiful nature and the hacienda but then, we see the history and remember there were people whose lives were used by some other people... Still, the divine nature part here takes the lead, I enjoyed seeing that green landscape 😇

They are places that despite their beauty make you think that the life of many there was difficult. Punishments, blood, death, screams and many tears took these spaces. But let's think that there was also love, joy, music and happiness. So now let's enjoy the beauty of the landscape.

I feel like we have traveled along with you as you narrate this experience, and not only because of the striking images you have shared, which are great and beautiful, but because I even learned from what you learned on this visit to the mountains and their history, it's all very interesting. thank you so much for sharing quality content on #tbt Thursdays, I appreciate it very much 🙏

Siento que hemos viajado junto a tí mientras narras esta experiencia, y no solo por las llamativas imágenes que has compartido, que son geniales y hermosas, sino porque hasta aprendí de lo que tu aprendiste en esta visita a las montañas y su historia, todo es muy interesante. muchas gracias por compartir contenido de calidad en los Jueves de #tbt, lo aprecio mucho 🙏

Thank you very much for appreciating my content. I am glad you do. How much I appreciate that my narration has transported you to that place and you have enjoyed its beauty and history. Greetings from Cuba.

Muchas gracias por apreciar mi contenido. Me alegra que así sea. Cuanto agradezco que mi narración te haya transportado a ese lugar y hayas disfrutado de su belleza e historia. Saludos desde Cuba.

Tours of this kind are always amazing. I have not really had time to visit historical places, but I really need to. They give you better feelings of what was...

Do it as soon as you can, places like this have a lot to offer.

You are absolutely right my friend. Thank you so much 😊

Amazing pictures and what an awesome story! Such a wonderful place✨

Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it

I liked the simplicity and depth of your words in telling this story. This historic place is so beautiful And as you say, a great reminder.

It's nice to be able to appreciate such a wonderful views and from time to time to bathe in that frozen river.



Los lugares de tu terruño!! Tanta historia y belleza. Y el río San Juan...que nunca se calienta!!!

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Oh, thank you so much, I'm very happy to be in this selection again.

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Muy buen post. Las Terrazas realmente es un lugar fantástico donde se disfruta de la naturaleza pura en ese terruño de Cuba. Nunca he ido, pero tengo muy buenas referencias de este paraje de la geografía cubana. Espero en algún momento visitar. Saludos cordiales.

Agradezco tu comentario. Las Terrazas es un lugar que vale la pena visitar sin duda alguna, así que en cuanto puedas hazlo. Saludos de vuelta y feliz semana.

Muy cierto. Gracias igualmente