Tropical snow

in Throwback Thursday4 months ago

This was an unforgettable experience for many reasons...not all of them good 😆.

It was the second time we traveled to Cayo Largo del Sur, special municipality Isla de la Juventud. We had already gone a month before just my husband and me. It's a pity I lost the photos of that trip where we walked the key from end to end. We even got stranded in a place where the scooter we had rented broke down and we had no phone signal. Luckily we were able to get our bearings and reach the beach...we had a good scare 🤣. Now we were making the trip with Oli and of course those trips to remote places would be impossible.

To get to the Key we would fly for a little more than 30 minutes in a French-built ATR 42 light aircraft that was several years old. The lucky thing is, according to everyone in the know, they are quite safe. In those days I wasn't afraid to fly, I don't think I would be today...old age stuff 🤭.

While we were waiting to take off, some gentlemen were talking loudly that those "little planes" were going to be discarded and Cuba bought them because they were cheap and repaired them...we Cubans...sometimes we talk a lot of things 😳. I don't know if it's true or not, but luckily I wasn't afraid to fly at that time, because if not, that's as far as the trip would have gone 😆. We landed without major mishaps, in fact we had a pleasant trip.



We arrived at the hotel and unfortunately entering the room my husband's allergy started and stayed with us until the end 😂. There were problems with the central air conditioning and the musty smell made things worse.

Despite that slight setback, the place was very cozy, surrounded by the exotic vegetation that the keys have and equipped with a tower we could see from that point to far in almost all directions. Little hotel infrastructure existed at that time, which made the place even more enjoyable.



otra vista.jpg


Cayo Largo is only 25 km long, its beaches are beautiful. Playa Sirena and Paraíso have been several times among the best beaches in the world according to Tripadvisor. The sand of its beaches is the finest I have ever seen and so white that it looks like snow.




The sunsets at this point of the Cuban geography are famous, we had already enjoyed one from Playa Paraíso the first time we came. It was a spectacle without equal, countless shades of blue and pink were drawn on the beach ...unforgettable. Now we could only enjoy it from the hotel, but it was equally beautiful.


With the night came the mosquitoes, to tell you the truth! They made fun of the repellent, attacked Oli mercilessly, all her bites were inflamed, we had to give her antihistamines. There were already 2 of the trio taking allergy pills ☹️.

Despite the setbacks it was a nice trip to an amazing place, with its strange landscapes and peculiar sands. We were happy to have been able to do it for the second time and with Oli, who despite being small enjoyed it very much, especially for animals she was able to enjoy.



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Este fue una experiencia inolvidable por muchos todos buenos 😆.

Era la segunda vez que viajábamos a Cayo Largo del Sur, municipio especial Isla de la Juventud. Ya habíamos ido un mes antes solo mi esposo y yo. Es una lástima que haya perdido las fotos de ese viaje donde anduvimos el cayo de punta a cabo. Hasta nos quedamos varados en un lugar donde se rompió la scooter que habíamos alquilado y no teníamos señal telefónica. Por suerte pudimos orientarnos y llegar a la playa...pasamos un buen susto 🤣. Ahora hacíamos el viaje con Oli y por supuesto esos recorridos a recónditos parajes, serían imposibles.

Para llegar al cayo volaríamos por un poco más de 30 minutos en una avioneta ATR 42 de construcción francesa con varios años de antigüedad. La suerte es, que según todos los que saben, son bastantes seguras. En aquellos días no tenía miedo a volar, creo que hoy no lo haría...cosas de la vejez 🤭.

Mientas esperábamos para despegar, unos señores hablaban a toda voz que esos "avioncitos" iban a ser desechados y Cuba los compró porque salían baratos y los reparó...nosotros los cubanos...a veces hablamos cada cosas 😳. No sé si será verdad o no, pero por suerte no tenía miedo a volar en ese tiempo, porque si no, hasta allí hubiese llegado el viaje 😆. Aterrizamos sin mayores contratiempos, de hecho hicimos un viaje agradable.

Llegamos al hotel y desafortunadamente entrando a la habitación la alergia de mi esposo comenzó y se quedó con nosotros hasta el final 😂. Había problemas con el aire acondicionado central y el olor a humedad hacia que la cosas fueran peores.

A pesar de ese ligero contratiempo, el lugar estaba muy acogedor, rodeado de la exótica vegetación que tienen los cayos y equipado con una torre podíamos ver desde ese punto hasta muy lejos en casi todas la direcciones. Poca infraestructura hotelera existía en aquel momento, lo que hacía aún más disfrutable el lugar.

Cayo Largo tiene solo 25 km de extensión, sus playas son hermosas. Playa Sirena y Paraíso han estado varias veces entre la mejores playas del mundo según Tripadvisor. La arena de sus playas es la más fina que he visto y tan Blanc que parece nieve.

Las puestas de sol en este punto de la geografía cubana son famosas, ya habíamos disfrutado de una desde Playa Paraíso la primera vez que vinimos. Fue un espectáculo sin igual, incontables tonos de azules y rosados se dibujaban sobre la playa...inolvidable. Ahora sólo la pudimos disfrutar desde el hotel, pero fue igualmente hermosa.

Con la noche llegaron los mosquitos, para que contarles!!! Se burlaron del repelente, atacaron a Oli sin piedad, todas las picadas se le inflamaron, hubo que darle antihistamínicos. Ya eran 2 del trío tomando pastillas para la alergia ☹️.

A pesar de los contratiempos fue un lindo viaje a un sorprendente lugar, con sus paisajes extraños y sus arenas peculiares. Estábamos felices de poder haberlo hecho por segunda vez y con Olí, que a pesar de estar pequeña lo disfrutó mucho, sobre todo por los animales que pudo disfrutar.

All rights reserved on the text and images, which are of my authorship unless otherwise indicated. I use DeepL for translation because my English is very bad 🤭.

Derecho reservado sobre el texto y las imágenes, que son de mi autoría a no ser que indique lo contrario. Uso DeepL para la traducción porque mi Inglés es muy malo. 🤭


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Wow! I never imagined Cuba to be like this,so beautiful.

Cuba has beautiful places. Nature has been condescending to this island. There are mountains, valleys, rivers, flora and fauna worthy of admiring.

Now I see why Oli likes the lizards so much 😇
Well, it is an iguana in the photo I guess :D

Too bad for the mosquitoes 😢 I remember when my son went with his grandparents to camp and came home with some 70 mosquito bites... 😰

Yes, it is an iguana. Very close to Cayo Largo there is another one called Cayo Iguana, it is inhabited only by hundreds of these creatures, unfortunately we could not go because in the port captaincy they did not allow us to board the catamaran that sails there...sometimes there are incomplensible and absurd measures.

The mosquitoes had spears 😂🤣. Look at the photo where she is with the turtles and you can see the bites on her face, luckily the inflammation of the first day had gone down, it was pitiful to look at her.

...when my son went with his grandparents to camp and came home with some 70 mosquito bites

Poor baby 😔.

I wasn't afraid to fly, I don't think I would be today...old age stuff 🤭.

And how do you plan to go to Spain, skiing in the snow?

Unforgettable experience. You have to come back.