Throwback to Unforgettable School Days

in Throwback Thursday13 days ago (edited)

For everyone, School days are memorable days which one can never forget. School days are reminder of those childish curiousity, eagerness to become older, childish acts, mundane activities, consistent routine, play and tension free studies.

In school days, we have never seen life from so closely. We were just ambitious that we will become doctor or engineer but living far away from practical realities.

I miss those days. That's why my today's blog is all about school days.

These photos are from my Last school tour. This trip was arranged in 2018. I cannot recall exact date but just remember that these were days of September or October when we were in our last school months. In this first photo, My teacher Arshad is sitting with me in the waiting area of hotel in Murree. He is the one who always motivated me and made me a bright student of school days.

The city which I visited the most in my life is Murree and I am sure you have read so many blogs of me while I am visiting murree. But it was my first ever tour to murree when I was profoundly excited to see the streets of murree.
I was posing and requesting to click my picture in every corner and side of the hotel.

This particular picture is funny yet shows my ambition to make memories at every side. Even I was sitting or laying on couch,I was conscious to take my picture. I never deleted it because I was aware that it will be a memory in future.

It's picture of our bedroom ( OPPS I am sharing details of bedroom 😉 😂). I am laughing on all these poses which I am giving in these old pictures. Along with me, there are fellows and one is my teacher. But, it's your task to find who is my teacher and who is my fellow. It was not my room but I was trespasser as I didn't want to sleep in my room. I wanted to spend night with my fellows that's why instead of instructions that in one room only three will sleep, I entered in the room of my fellows.

It's picture of next day and obviously our last day. In between these two days, there were many things which happened but I didn't click many pictures.
You can see me "I am pointing towards the horse". Believe me, at that time I was getting crazy to see everything around me. Along with me, my fellows are standing in disciplined way but I am going out of the box 😂.

By the way, I am loving this description giving activity to each photo. It is actually taking me back to the time when I was there in Murree and enjoying the time. This is photo of me when we all were heading back to home. It was night time when we made our way to home. We all were seated in bus and bus was about to start. My funky poses was never ending thing.

Here come those pictures of last school days. You can see me, can you? Here is Taha Intazar in school uniform. I think my face shape isn't changed. Is it changed or not?

He is my fellow student. Surprisingly he is also on hive with username @haiderabbas. But, he is inactive these days. He joined school when we were having our last year in school. Later he became my very good friend but in school days were didn't even dare to talk to each other. It was just normal hello and hi.

Here's an ultimate memory of white board on which our test is written. In those days, teacher used to write questions on white board and we have to note down them on papers and start writing their answers. It's Urdu paragraph written by our teacher "Zahida". It's a paragraph which we had to translate into English. Now it looks an easy task but in school days it was one of difficults.

Here is our nomadic class. But, in this picture only our teacher "Sir Zeeshan" is visible who was teacher of physics and Mathematics. Both subjects were not my favorite and both were boring.

Instead of some boring days and boring subjects, school days were really memorable and fun.

See you next 🌸 💮 🌼
All pictures are original.


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Happy Thursday, brother. Those classmates that integrate senior year usually don't talk much, but when you get to know them well they can become great friends, it happened to me at least a couple of times. I like that you share these kind of anecdotes that shaped your personality today, I would never imagine that you liked physics and math, but I see you even kept a picture of your teacher, good for you... In general it's very cool that you keep so many memories of your school days, I try to erase mine hahahahaha 🤣 Thank you for being part of #tbt Thursdays 🙏

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Thank fully I have so many memories saved for tbt! I think it was written in Fate that I have to share them in this community 😉😁.
Thank you so much for your support and love of community.

I am surprised and amazed to see you both in that age. Hahaha Lol 🤣. You both are looking good but now totally changed maaa.

Finally, you saw us when both of us Haider and I were more like child. But, keep in mind we were not child 😂.

Awesome memories

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Taha bro school time is always blessing. You have your pictures that’s good . Unfortunately I don’t have any picture of school time. All is ok but i like the style of you sitting on sofa 😂.

Hi Hamza! It's good to see you in my comment section! Hug 🫂
Are you talking about the very first photo? 😂
Stop ranting me here 😂

Hahahhaha… am not ranting buddy but aammm okokok…

Wow Taha brother, you were so cute in your school days. 😂

Also I liked the personality of your sir Zeeshan.

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But I didn't even talk about personality of Sir Zeeshan btw he was really jolly sir who was unaware what to teach 😂
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