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RE: (Un)vinished Stories - Diarrhea of a Creative

in Art.10 months ago

I haven't been able to work properly for the last three days due to sadness because my posts were hidden. Here too it was a similar weather and it is very nice to see the beautiful opening in such a weather.


I haven't been able to work properly for the last three days due to sadness because my posts were hidden

I saw that. Try not to let it affect you too much. It isn't personal ( although it might feel like it ).
I saw you learnt from it though and posted it in another - more fitting - community.

Keep adapting and learning and things will work out for the better. It's what life is all about. Growth!

Also, if I may give a little piece of advice, perhaps try doing a little less free writes.
They distract from your longer, higher quality posts and might lead to you getting lower payouts on your posts ( as it seems a little spammy to most people if there's multiple posts from the same user per day ).

Perhaps give it a try for a week and see if that makes a difference?

Good luck! :<)

I have now started posting in other communities and will try to do what you suggest now somehow.I have now started posting in other communities and will try to do what you suggest now somehow. Thanks.