(Un)vinished Stories - Diarrhea of a Creative

in Art.9 months ago

So many thoughts, not sure where to begin...

So let's start with the middle and not even worry about the end.

In all honesty, all my stories are vinished, pun intented,
so why would they need an ending, at all?

It has been something I have been breaking my balls head over, for many, many years.

Why do people struggle so much with unfinished products and why do I have issues with finishing things? I know the answer to the latter: finishing reminds me too much of productivity and productivity feels, in a way, like the opposite of 'real' creativity, as it's basically connected to industrialism, factories and unnatural growth.

I just time-travelled back to the past and found a legendary post that I wrote about this theme, 'unfinished stories', 6 years ago:


Congratz if you actually checked it out! I am sure it was worth your time ;<)

Now in that same year, 2017, just before I left The Netherlands and moved to Portugal, I wrote yet another post about 'unfinished stories'. In that write up I am referring to Taoism and a book called The Tao of Pooh, that I highly recommend.

You can find the full story ( not the full book ) here:

Anyhoo, I have been voice messaging a bit with my good friend and fellow super creative @clareartista and my intuition keeps getting back to focusing on the creation of some sort of box. filled with a bunch of goodies creations, in all kinds of formats ( drawings/ paintings/ sketchies, a Hypersensitivosaurus and/ or Cold Turkey T-Shirt, a tea or coffee mug with these awesome creatures on it, my book/ stories in physical and/ or audio ( on USB stick? ) format and so on and so forth. I am even considering giving people the option to choose what they want to receive in their exclusive box.

I sure know that I would love to receive something like this, even more if it would help me support a creative whose work I admire/ insipres me.

Not sure exactly what my next step is going to be ( that's all part of my impredictable creative process ) but I do know that I'll probably start ordering some Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey mugs very soon and probably some T-Shirts too and that I, meanwhile, will start working on getting some kind of audio files related to 'The Life of Hypersensitivosaurus' ( including both fragments of my book and, very likely, behind the scenes material ).

I feel that this type of unique content will stand out from what most creatives have to offer and - more importantly - I trust my intuition that keeps pointing out that this is exactly what I should start working on, from now on.


P.S. @evernoticethat I was thinking of you, while writing this, as one of my biggest fans and a connoisseur of true creativity. Just wish I could find a way to send you one of these boxes in the not too distant future ;>)

P.P.S. If you read this and it excites you, I'd love to hear from you and even if you don't, I plan to continue with this. The Force is Strong in this one!

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Uploading IMG_20230826_182731.jpg #16

all pics in this post were taken on a morning walk, today, in the little town where I have been living since February of this year - Coja.


It was really good exchanging messages with you today, dear @vincentnijman ! I had a very dynamic day creatively - finishing just now in the moonlight with my dear friend and neighbour Heidi Canzanelli - link here to her Soundcloud - helping me tune my guitar, then singing for me! Such a blessing and inspiration!

It was really good exchanging messages with you today

Likewise, Clare! :>)
I really felt the synergy and am feeling pretty freakin' good overall, today.

Nice to hear about your creative endeavors with Heidi and about the tuning of your guitar.
I should find a way to do more with my ukulele but, then again, everything at its right time ;<)

Big hug!


All the best! I am cleaning up my following list to focus ( more ) on people with whom I actually interact. I am sure you understand.

good! I limited my list to 100 from the start - and it is a decent figure, no sense to follow 1000+

100... Now that is a nice number.
I appreciate the 🍺!

Hey @vincentnijman, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

I haven't been able to work properly for the last three days due to sadness because my posts were hidden. Here too it was a similar weather and it is very nice to see the beautiful opening in such a weather.

I haven't been able to work properly for the last three days due to sadness because my posts were hidden

I saw that. Try not to let it affect you too much. It isn't personal ( although it might feel like it ).
I saw you learnt from it though and posted it in another - more fitting - community.

Keep adapting and learning and things will work out for the better. It's what life is all about. Growth!

Also, if I may give a little piece of advice, perhaps try doing a little less free writes.
They distract from your longer, higher quality posts and might lead to you getting lower payouts on your posts ( as it seems a little spammy to most people if there's multiple posts from the same user per day ).

Perhaps give it a try for a week and see if that makes a difference?

Good luck! :<)

I have now started posting in other communities and will try to do what you suggest now somehow.I have now started posting in other communities and will try to do what you suggest now somehow. Thanks.

The pictures are so beautiful and lovely
The sunflowers look good too.

Lovely photos of sunflowers. Some pictures are not showing due to ecency image server issue.

Glad you enjoyed those! I loved the contrast with the background.
I wondered what was going on. I tried to upload more, to no avail.


Tap yourself on the shoulder for having survived another fire season.
yesterday here was fairly stressful with air full of smoke, falling ashes, planes and two fires that were way to close for my taste.

Hey man, stay safe. Yeah, fires have been relatively 'far' away from here but I heard that especially the Castelo Branco area is suffering, once again.

Stay safe!

