Pigeon breeding process. How do I raise pigeons?

in Lifestyle3 months ago

I love to breed pigeons. The pigeons you see in this picture are not mine but I help my friend to raise them. A good environment is required for a pigeon farm. Pigeon growth is very good in good environment.

Pigeons generally require an open environment. Due to being in an open environment, Koro Tore diseases are less. Then to build for them a habitat where many pigeons can live. Pigeons once a month. Because of this, they have to increase the space in their house. They usually eat rice, wheat, rice, etc. They have to be given two meals a day. And their food containers should be kept clean constantly so that diseases do not occur. They like to move freely. When you call them, they come closer. And pigeons are very beautiful to look at and there are many varieties of them.
It is possible to earn a good amount of money every month by selling them. Because they are loved by many owners. Because of this, everyone likes to observe. I have a total of 40 pigeons here. There are different types of pigeons here. Overall it is very easy to ffollow