A Memorable homage Attending the Late Chief's Burial in Esit Eket

in Lifestylelast month


My occasion Attending the burial form of a precious late chief from the community of Esit Eket was incredibly an honor and a solemn occasion that so brought associates and as well the very representatives from the amazing prestigious University of Uyo all together as one family. We diligently embarked on a trip to atleast pay our felicitations, this contributing to the function and arranging transportation for our group trip. In all, This post aims to capture the veritably unique gests and as well the gladdening moments we encountered during this meaningful event and the function/ impact it has made.

Appearance in Esit Eket

Leaving the University of Uyo, our group set off on our trip around 11 am. With the backing of original cyclists who courteously guided us, we arrived in Esit Eket by noon. The warmth and hospitality of the locals were apparent as they ate us to their community.


Paying Our felicitations

Upon our appearance, we set up that the burial form was formerly in progress. After the church conditioning were completed, it was our turn as scholars to share in this significant event. I had the honor of leading the chant of the Great Aluta Anthem and colorful cants, emblematizing solidarity and concinnity in our academic hobbies. The atmosphere was filled with jubilation and a sense of fellowship as we recognized the late chief.

Moments of festivity

Following the formal proceedings, we gathered for refreshments. Thepost-ceremony festivity handed an occasion for us to interact with the locals and gain perceptivity into their rich artistic heritage. We indulged in succulent food and drinks, savoring the flavors while engaging in exchanges that strengthened our understanding of the community's traditions.


Reflecting on the Journey

After bidding farewell to the gracious hosts, we embarked on our return trip to Uyo. As we traveled back, we took a moment to express gratefulness for the safe passage and the inconceivable gests we participated. The trip not only strengthened our bonds as associates but also fostered a lesser appreciation for the diversity and concinnity that exists within our academic community.


Attending the burial of the late chief in Esit Eket was a deeply affecting experience. Our presence as representatives of the University of Uyo allowed us to pay our felicitations and demonstrate our solidarity. The event showcased the significance of community, artistic heritage, and the power of concinnity. As we returned to Uyo, we carried with us cherished recollections and a renewed sense of purpose, thankful for the occasion to be a part of such a significant occasion.