Disfrutando la piscina con Milan / Enjoying the pool with Milan

in Lifestyle2 months ago


Hola Chicos!

Para cerrar semana Santa decidí entrar un rato a la piscina con mi sobrino ya que no había compartido con él esa semana por diferentes ocupaciones.

Él estaba súper feliz de bañarse con nosotras y que compartieramos ese ratito con él.

Luego de hacer unas compras para el cumpleaños de mi novio me cambié y entre a la piscina con Mi prima Inés.

El baño con cayó muy bien ya que últimamente la temperatura está súper elevada.

¿Y ustedes cómo disfrutaron la semana santa?

Hi Guys!

To close Easter week I decided to go to the pool for a while with my nephew since I had not shared with him that week due to different occupations.

He was super happy to swim with us and that we shared that little while with him.

After shopping for my boyfriend's birthday I changed and went to the pool with my cousin Ines.

The swim went very well since lately the temperature is super high.

How did you enjoy Easter week?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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