The hope

in Lifestyle11 months ago



There is in the fields a humble plant, which little rises from the ground.

It seems that out of consideration and respect for the neighboring vegetation, it avoids growing and shading it.

This modest and delicate plant, almost a simple weed, is distinguished by its flowers.

Its flowers are of a pale blue, delicate, sad, let's say; and those blue flowers on calm nights fill their calyx with dew; they look like small cups, preserving the pure water that has descended from the sky.

However, on this occasion I will ask myself, why can't the color of hope be that fragile, shy blue that does not wish to invade the rest of the forest and remain in sublime expectation of doing good?

The wisdom that through the centuries has attentively observed nature, has discovered that the little water kept by this humble blue flower is good for the sight, it is an eye drop, a good remedy for eye irritations.

That is why, because it is an eye remedy, a medicine for the eyes, this modest and delicate plant is called "Saint lucia".

To cleanse the gaze, to see with eyes of innocence, in blessed spaces, of images that inspire and colors that pacify.

It has been given the name of the Holy Virgin and Martyr who is remembered as protector of sight, as patroness of the blind... blind?

Are the visions of these souls so profound that they give us an example, for have we not come across those whose blindness leads them to not see what they do not want to see?

This little plant, as we Northerners call it, in the Garden of the Republic, always looking with its canopy open to the sky and blessed by the drops of tears of the Lord, announces Hope to us.

It does not matter what color it is but that man knows how to hope without despair and with a clear look in these times of difficulties and where all together we must sow to harvest a new world of peace and union.