Day at the spa

in Lifestyle9 months ago (edited)

🔊 ...Dear guests of the Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Gyógyfürdő! Please think about your health and don't stay in the sauna for too long. Actually, leave it immediately!... 🔊

It could be that I indeed listened to the warning to leave the sauna room, and I assure you I would listen to that! For sure I would.

But it is just our living room where I feel like I am in a sauna. 🤦‍♀

The screen of the laptop heats quite well too! It is good for the winter, I know, my evenings after work can be spent on the couch with this little smart heater. But these days it is still warm and this "sauna feeling" episode seems never to get to its end.

At least it reminds me of a day we spent in a spa, in southern Hungary - Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Gyógyfürdő.


Mórahalom is a tiny town which probably became famous because of this complex. It was our first time going there and even without navigation we found the spa on the first attempt. The village is pretty simple and you can't get lost.

I am not a huge fan of waterparks and spas. I prefer nature, rivers, lakes or the sea, but I survived spending one day in a place like this. Well, it was fun actually. I had a better time than expected.

The main reason why we went there was to take my parents-in-law to the spa. We are all getting old (really? 😂) and they are trying to find a suitable spa to spend a week or more and treat the back pain that occurs with age. I think I will be a good candidate too... soon 😁


The complex is divided into a few parts. After passing the entrance and paying for the tickets you can use the changing rooms and leave your belongings in the lockers. We bought the entrances for the whole day and with the unlimited use of sauna rooms and all the indoor and outdoor pools.

Sauna world:




Instructions on how to use the Finnish sauna. The suggested time to spend inside is between 10 and 15 minutes.


Csendes means quiet. No music, sounds, and noise? 😱
Though this was not included in the price so I don't know what you can get there, in the quiet zone!


Indoor pools.

The indoor area had a lot of free hammocks as the majority of the visitors were outside. The morning was cloudy and accompanied by light drizzle but until we arrived there it was already good to be outside. If the rain hadn't stopped, we could have settled here, inside.


A lot of stairs and water slides to have fun... but as I already mentioned, water parks are not really my cup of tea. I skipped this indoor slide {but I did use the one outside - it was less scary 😁}



I skipped this one too. You get into the slide inside the building, have a ride through this tube and land in the pool again inside. Just too scary for me!!

Would you try it?


Outside area.

As the rain stopped and the sun came out we decided to spend the day outside. Many families did the same, choosing the green area under the trees. It was good as we had shade for the whole day. One of these spots was ours :)
It was like being on a picnic!



There were a few shallow pools designed especially for children. Playgrounds for the little ones were also available.


Pools with thermal water.

The healing effects of these thermal waters can be experienced in these pools. At first, I thought I would not like to enter this pool, but then I gave my back a little massage with this water. The temperature of the water is 39.5 °C and the colour of it is reddish... that is why I was hesitating a bit at first. Here we can read that it was officially certified as medicinal water in 1999 and probably since then, this place has become popular.


On the map, I counted 21 pools and I tried out almost all of them 😂
I spent most of the time in this swimming pool and in another one that had a whirlpool kind of thing where the water carried you in circles. That was fun, I screamed hahaha and my boys almost had to pretend they didn't know me. I also tried the outside water slide with my son. One ride. You see, I am still here - I survived :D


Conclusion... My parents-in-law got to know the place. I don't know if they will go and spend there a week or two (there is a hotel too, so you can have a pack of accommodation + treatments and pools etc), that is up to them to decide one day. We saw the place too and had some fun of course but it is not a place I would go often. For me, it was fine to visit it this time.



And what about you? Do you like spas, do you go often or not at all? Maybe you do use it for treatments? Without any doubt, spas have a healing effect on health, so if you have the opportunity, why not use them?



I understand your feeling. Cuba, My country is a never ending summer. This summer particularly, have been very hot. I AM really concern about it, it must be the efect of pollution we are doing every day. Now the weather is changing and the are a litter less hot, thanks god.
Any way, apart the really hot days of this summer year i never have been in a spa. But I don't think i enjoy the hot 🙄

It was a very warm summer here too, but I guess we will miss that heat during the winter :D

What a nice spa, it is also for the whole family with those slides nobody gets bored, they remind me of a similar park where I was in Cali Colimbia but there were no hot springs.

In my country I have been to one of the hot springs that is also a hotel but I have not stayed there, I have only enjoyed the pools, I like the hot temperature but not the smell of sulfur.

In your spa was there a sulfur smell? @mipiano 😉

Yes, the good thing is that not just elderly people can enjoy this place, but children too. 😉

There was no sulfur smell, just this reddish colour of the water (I think that I accidentally removed this photo from the post while I was still writing it 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Wow, the paradise we deserve from time to time 😂, take advantage whenever you can. A day pampering yourself because it was a spectacular day.Greetings 👋

I am not there right now, so maybe just next summer I could visit it 😅
Pampering myself - oh, that is sea for me 😇

Come to think of it, I've never enjoyed a spa, I need to. It's good to pamper yourself once in a while 😌.

That was my first time visiting it too :D

The truth is that I've never been to a spa hahaha but it wouldn't be bad at all.

I loved the place and the outdoor area even more. The inside with that place to relax, how nice, but I prefer the green, the fresh air... those things hahahaha.

No cats... and no music? I'm dying!

In one day you can enjoy all that? It's huge!🤣

We are all so "not spa people" 😂

I mean, I would not even think about going there if it was not because taking there my parents-in-law. I prefer the green area too

No cats... and no music? I'm dying!


I found some mushrooms on one tree hahahaha, but didn't look for cats. I guess it's because they don't like pools 😁

🤣 They run away to the water, I tell you an anecdote, one day I took Tony for a walk and it started to rain. He was very happy holding on to my shoulder under the umbrella, but I didn't touch him, not even a drop.🤣

I think I would end up enjoying it although I prefer wild nature. We have in Cuba, very beautiful places that once were something like that. With sulfur mud and healing waters . Two of the ones that I remember are the San Diego Baths and the Elguea Baths. They no longer work with the comfort they require, I don't even know if they work.

When my grandmother wanted to take medicinal mud baths, we went to a beach on the southern coast of the Artemisa province called Guanimar. You could see people in the sun wrapped in mud that they themselves extracted from the seashore. While the adults were sunbathing like big croquettes, the children were having fun in the water. Beautiful natural Spa times. It's not done anymore.😔 The beach is destroyed.

Mud and healing waters - that could probably do well now to my aching back and neck... It was not hurting yesterday when I wrote this post, but this morning I feel it stiff. 😳 aaaaaaaaaaaa, weird!!

The beach is destroyed.

That's sad :(

As a yoga instructor I have some tricks to relieve this area. but I'm very far away 😬. I can recommend that you start practicing in a nearby studio. You will see the changes in a short time. ❤️💚❤️

Wahhhh, the place looks awesome. A perfect place for unwinding while also having a good time. I never been into a spa ever, haha, I'm not even sure what a Spa looks like, haha. But I have a littke idea now, hihi. It'll be awesome to bring my oldies here so that they have their relax time too.

We are all walking in the same shoes hahaha
It seems that we Hivers are not really spa people 😁

Haha, it'll be awesome to have them once in a while.

I'm not a huge fan of these aqua parks and spas myself. I'd rather spend my day roaming around the city but one day will not kill anyone 😄
I think you had your annual dose of spa with that.

Same here, one day was okay. Now forty-something years can pass again until my next visit 😁

Now I don't remember in which novel I read that in spas time slows down. 🤔 I have never been to a spa. I can't say if I like it or not, although it sounds boring. I don't like slides and I prefer river and sea rather than pool.

That area, Csendes, is for cats. I also read it somewhere. Cats with books in hammocks. 😁

I can't believe you've bathed in almost 21 pools in one day. Were you looking for treasure in the backgrounds, in the tiles? You need to get a picture here of that crazy whirlpool and you screaming. We always miss the best part of the story.

I guess cats in csendes area are just purring and not even meowing 😂

Hahah, yes I tried almost all of them. If it was paid it had to be used, right? hahaha, in search of treasures or sirens 😂

The whirlpool - you know, even children didn't scream... 🤐 so the pool with the water that carried us quickly in circles was not that scary or crazy, - it was just me using the opportunity nobody knew me there and I could even scream if I felt good 😁


it was just me using the opportunity nobody knew me

¡Qué genia eres! Lo mismo hubiera hecho yo. Y todavía estuviera disfrutando y riendo a carcajadas solo de pensarlo. Morning!

I loved, how rich that looks, greetings 💕

Gracias, ha sido divertido pasar un día

Whenever one goes like this with family to such a beautiful place to see the natural scenery, stay inside the hotel and also go to the beautiful places, the time passes very well.

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Nice day to you and everybody

I have only tried fish spas in some resorts. I feel like I want to experience the same. It could be so relaxing and recharge from all the stresses in life.

Fish spa? I saw it in some places but that is what I have never tried.

Fishes tickle and remove callus on your feet. It has a great and relaxing feeling for me.

Would I try it? Of course, I will! This place looks so amazing and so many more things to do than just going to sauna. Thank you for sharing it with us :)

You would have fun as I had for one day :)

What a beautiful place and what a relaxing day you had! It’s not getting old, lol, just connecting with yourself, hehe. I believe I need one of those days!

Belug, I am sorry for not coming back earlier to respond to your comment.
Yes, reconnecting ;)
However, my parents-in-law needed to find a place where to treat some of the issues that came with the years.

This is really a very comfortable place especially in summer like this all will be fine

Have a nice day @mipiano and have fun

A nice day to you too 👋

Thank you very much greetings

Waahhh sauna. I haven't tried it yet but there are many saunas here in the city and guess what, they offer unli buffet. Hmmm what I have in mind is to go swimming in the beach. It's been raining here in Manila but air is so warm due to smog of the nearest volcano in the metro.

A beach is always a better option. I wold choose that too, over any spa ;)

This is a great place to take a pause get refreshed and find relaxation. Something we all are lacking right now.

I hope you can find some moments for relaxation ;)
They are always needed!

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