in Lifestyle12 days ago

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-13 at 10.45.38 PM.jpeg

Amigoooo I hope you are all well and have had a beautiful week, mine has been these last few weeks a little hectic and busy sometimes I would like to throw in the towel, but here we are still active, the season of my favorite fruit, the mamón hahaha .... many will say so much fruit and this is going to make your favorite, well if I love it and get it here on the island always that cost, as there are very few places where you see, well in my case I still do not get a friend who has mamon maya ha, ha, ha, ha ....


Amigoooo espero que todos se encuentren bien y que hayan tenido una hermosa semana, la mía ha estado estas últimas semanas algo ajetreados y ocupada a veces quisiera tirar la toalla, pero aquí seguimos activas, llego la temporada de mi fruta favorita, el mamón jajajá... muchos dirán tanta fruta y esta va a hacer tu favorita, pues si me encanta y conseguirla aquí en la isla siempre ese cuesta, ya que son muy pocos los lugares donde se ven, bueno es mi caso aún no consigo algún amigo que tenga maya de mamón ja, ja, ja...

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This time it was the commander of the work who brought me this, he came by surprise with a bag I thought they were lemons because aha, this is almost not achieved and when I ask him what it is and he tells me mamon I was going to give me something of emotion, this fruit brings me very nice memories with a friend of work a civil ING, which we bought this by kilo and we were throughout the work with the bag in hand and sucking mamon the workers mocked, but we loved it.


En esta oportunidad fue el comandante de la obra el que me trajo esto, llegó de sorpresa con una bolsa yo pensando que eran limones porque aja, esto casi no se consigue y cuando le pregunto que es y me dice mamón me iba a dar algo de la emoción, esta fruta me trae recuerdo muy bonitos con una amiga de obra una ING civil, la cual comprábamos esto por kilo y estábamos en toda la obra con la bolsa en la mano y chupando mamón los obreros se burlaban, pero a nosotros nos encantaban.

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I got a lot of clothes stained by this fruit and the stain never goes away, I damaged pants, sweaters, flannels and stop counting, but if I'm honest I didn't care it was clothes I wore to go to the construction site and anyone who knew me knew that the clothes had been damaged on site and that the stains were the product of this fruit that looks so insignificant, but is very rich and dangerous at the same time ha, ha, ha, ha.... This day I was wearing a new white shirt and even though I was wearing my sweater I was very afraid that I would damage it, I ate about 10 of them and the rest I kept at home to be sure not to stain my work clothes, now are other times and I cannot be dirty ha, ha, ha, ha....


Bastante ropa me mancha por esta fruta y nunca se quita la Mancha, dañe pantalones, suéter, franelas y pare de contar, pero si les soy sincera me daba igual era ropa que usaba para ir a la obra y pues quien me conocía sabía que la ropa se había dañado en obra y que las manchas eta producto de este fruto que se ve tan insignificante, pero es muy rico y peligroso a la vez ja, ja, ja... Este día tenía puesta una camisa nueva blanca y a pesar de que tenía puesto mi suéter me daba mucho miedo que sin querer la dañara, me comí como 10 y el resto los guarde para la casa para estar de segura de no manchar la ropa de trabajo ya ahora son otros tiempos y no puedo estar sucio ja, ja, ja...

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WhatsApp Image 2024-04-05 at 9.54.43 PM.jpeg



This is one of my favourite fruits that I have not had in ages. We call it guinep in Jamaica.
It's common for people to beg strangers for one of their guineps, so normally people with guineps hide them wrapped in paper and placed in a black plastic bag, to disguise them.😂

I love them, they are hard to find here.

They are seasonal fruits in Jamaica, and it's amazing the different flavours and variety when they are around. Some are sweet, some are sour. Others are fresh, and some are small:)

I never tasted this fruit, since I guess it's not more likely available here in our country. How I wish I could taste it too.

I hope you can try it soon, it is somewhere between sweet and sour, I don't know how to explain it, but the flavor is very rich.

😆😆😆 Si es muy rico el mamon pero como mancha, lo bueno es que tu lo disfrutas