Peace of Mind: Calm Your Worries Through Meditation

Life can be overwhelming sometimes. And with the current state of the world, that’s truer now than ever. No matter where you come from or what you do, chances are good that you’ve experienced an insurmountable amount of stress and anxiety throughout your life.

But no matter how bad it gets, there’s always a way to find inner peace and calm. One way is through meditation—the age-old practise of using your mind to relax and de-stress. It may sound intimidating at first, but meditation can be practised anywhere and by anyone.

Once, even before the war, I was fond of meditative practices. But then there was a whole year of break, I was just not up to it. Although, probably in vain. I know for a fact that meditation helps. Of course, I'm not talking about cases of serious mental disorders or the consequences of severe injuries. But other than that, it's a great self-help tool. I can say with confidence that my friends and I are now suffering from post-traumatic syndrome caused by war and occupation, so meditation will definitely not be superfluous for us.

Besides, now I have a great reason to return to this practice. My daughter gave me many wonderful candles that she made herself. Some of them are scented candles. This way I can still get all the benefits of aromatherapy.

If you have never practiced meditation before, I have prepared a short description of what it is. You might want to try it too.

What Is Meditation?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by worry? Do negative thoughts take up more and more of your space, leading to stress and anxiety?

If so, it may be time to explore the power of meditation. Meditation has been around for thousands of years in various forms and can be used to help relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. But what is meditation, exactly?

In its simplest form, meditation is just a way to focus your attention on something positive or calming. It's like a reset button for your mind—allowing you to observe thoughts and emotions from a different perspective. By taking the time to slow down and focus on one thing—whether that be your breath or a mantra—you can create an inner stillness that helps calm both body and mind.

Whether you're new or looking for a refresher, the practise of meditating can offer some much-needed peace of mind in our fast-paced lives.

Benefits of Meditation

You may be wondering why you should meditate, so let's talk about some of the incredible benefits you can experience.

Reduced Stress Levels

We all feel overwhelmed at times - and this is when meditation can really come in handy. Meditation helps reduce stress, allowing you to relax and focus on the present moment, instead of worrying about the future.

Improved Cognitive Function

Meditating helps improve brain function by increasing concentration and focus, while improving memory and decision-making abilities. Not to mention, it also reduces feelings of anxiety which can help you think more clearly when problem solving.

Better Emotional Regulation Skills

Regular meditation can help you manage your emotions more effectively, with improved responses to stressful situations or difficult conversations. It teaches us how to recognise our thoughts and feelings without judgement — this is vital for making sure our reactions are in line with our values.

To sum up: meditation helps combat stress, boosts cognitive function and emotional regulation skills — all extremely important for finding peace of mind

How to Start a Meditation Practise

Mediation isn't just a way to help relax, it's also great for improving mental wellbeing. So, if you're looking for a way to feel more at peace so that you can handle the stresses of everyday life, you might want to consider starting a meditation practise.

But how do you even get started? It's easy! Here are some tips:

Find a comfortable and quiet seat. Find somewhere that is free from distraction and noise, then take a few deep breaths as you settle into your seat.

Choose which type of meditation to focus on: focusing on your breath, attending to a meditation object such as your body or sound like a mantra, or paying attention to thoughts and emotions as they arise and pass away.

Pay attention to whatever comes up in the moment. In other words, don't try too hard—just be aware of what is happening without getting carried away by it.

If your mind wanders, gently bring it back with kindness and patience until you are ready to take a break from your practise or come out of meditation completely.

When starting out it can be helpful to have guidance from an experienced teacher or join an online class so that you can understand the basics about how to meditate properly for the best results possible – but ultimately just find whatever works best for you and stick with it!

Overcoming Nervous Troubles With Meditation

When troubles are weighing down on you and your mind is filled with racing thoughts, meditation can be your best friend. Meditation calms the mind and emotions and keeps worries in check so that you can approach life with a clear head.

Here are a few of the reasons why:

Accepts Reality

Through meditating, you accept reality as it is instead of focusing on what might have been or what could be. Ultimately, this fosters a state of inner peace and relieves anxiousness.

A Healthier Approach To Dealing With Stress

Meditation encourages healthier coping mechanisms when dealing with stress by providing mental clarity which may be clouded by negative emotions. This allows us to assess our situation from all angles, finding solutions in times of distress.

Self-Awareness & Insight

As meditation allows for self-reflection and awareness, it allows for greater insight about oneself—our strengths and weaknesses—ultimately empowering us to confront challenges more efficiently. Through this newfound insight, we can become aware of habits or patterns that prevent us from living our best lives and take the necessary steps to address them.

With all this combined, meditation gives us an opportunity to prioritise our mental health and channel our energy into something more productive than worrying which will lead to better growth in the long run.

Different Types of Meditation Practises

Meditation comes in many forms, and there is no one way to meditate. Here are some common ones that may help you find the perfect fit for your needs:


Mindfulness meditation focuses on focusing on your breath and using it to anchor your focus. This type of meditation helps bring attention to the present moment and reduces thinking about the past and future.


Loving-kindness is a form of meditation that involves taking time out of your day to think about yourself and others with kindness, compassion, love, and acceptance. One of the best ways to practise loving-kindness is by reciting affirmations or mantras — like “I am worthy” or “I am enough” — while being mindful of your breath.

Transcendental Meditation

This type of meditation is based on focusing on a mantra or sound that helps you reach a deeper level of relaxation and mindfulness. Transcendental Meditation can help you gain clarity while calming your mind, body, and soul.


Yoga combines physical poses with mindfulness to provide both physical strength as well as mental well-being. Yoga encourages self-care by emphasising movement with mindful breathing, which helps bring the mind into a calmer state.

No matter which type of meditation practise you decide is best for you, it's always important to keep in mind that it's okay if it doesn't come easy at first. Becoming an experienced meditator takes time and dedication—so don’t be discouraged if you don't immediately find comfort in the practise!

Tips and Tricks for a More Enjoyable Meditation Session

Meditation has plenty of benefits, but it takes patience and effort to get the most out of a session. Here are few tips and tricks to make your experience even more enjoyable:

Find a Quiet Place

The best way to get the most out of meditation is by finding a place that's quiet and free from distractions. That could be a designated room at your home or office, or maybe even outdoors in nature. Find the spot that brings you peace and stick with it!

Create an Aroma

One way to deepen your meditation experience is by incorporating aromatherapy. You can buy essential oils online, or you can make your own blend of all-natural ingredients. The scent can help relax your body and soul as you meditate - it's like turning up the richness dial!

Adjust Your Posture

Make sure you find comfortable positioning for your body during mediation. It could be sitting in a chair, lying down on the floor, or simply standing—just do whatever makes you feel good! The key here is posture—make sure that your back is straight so that energy can flow freely throughout the body.

These simple tips will help ensure that each meditation session leaves you feeling refreshed, calm and focused— enjoy!

Meditating can be as simple as taking a few minutes out of your day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. You don’t have to be an expert to benefit from the practise—just some time and attention.

It’s important to keep in mind that although meditation can bring on a sense of peace and calm, it’s not a magic cure-all. It’s best used in combination with other techniques and therapies that can help with mental and emotional well-being, such as talk therapy, mindfulness and good self-care habits.

If you’re suffering from persistent or debilitating worries, don’t be too hard on yourself. Meditation can help bring on a sense of peace and calm, but it’s a practise that takes time and commitment. With the right approach, however, you can find lasting peace of mind and a lifetime of inner tranquilly.

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All pictures in this post are made by myself using my own photos, Photoshop, Procreate and ai ideas