
It's what I saw when I dig into your article.. I will look about it, let me also tell you that I really appreciate your work from an artistic point of view :) Nice animations and digital art, even I tend to prefer your big paintings 😉 Hope to see more !

Thank you! Maybe not big paintings for a while, they’re beautiful but really expensive and eats so much space 🫣 Not even talking about materials here but the cost of shipping/framing it to other places for exhibits. Better to focus on digital for now. Thank you very much for the kind words :D

I really know what you're talking about... my stepfather is a abstract painter who makes huge, voluminous canvases, full of matter and therefore quite heavy ^^ ! Also, working in museums has given me a glimpse behind the scenes, but I think it's good to work in periods, and as you say, to have a foot in every expression of the field.

Hope you're having a nice Sunday ✌️