Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. :)

in BEER4 years ago (edited)

There nothing like a nice cold #beer, after arriving home from work. Though I will admit the thought hadn't occurred to me until my mom starting hinting at the idea of a nice cold beer. The hint went something kind this. "Did you know that Coronas come in this cute little bottle now." Too be honest she was speaking in Spanish and I hadn't connect the word Coronas to there concept of beer.

To be honest I hadn't slept the night before, so I wasn't totally present when this conversation started. I found my self dubious of the idea that my mom was mentioning these cute little crowns. That she saw at some store somewhere. I was expecting the conversation to end with some odd idea. That she was now trying to embark me on.

Yet right at that moment our roommate joined us on the back porch. Having heard the word Coronas, and not being fluent in Spanish. She asked, "what about Coronas?". To which I responded, " Coronas are crowns in Spanish.". My mom didn't quite hear what I said. So she said, "I saw these little Corona bottles and they look so cute. Sure would be nice to have one right now." Her statement was emphasized in a longing somewhat pleading tone.

I was feeling somewhat exhausted. Yet I knew that I had to go to the auto parts store and return a purchase. I was still feeling a little moody from a sincere exhaustion. Yet I couldn't deny that it wasn't a bad idea. So I reluctantly agreed. Again I'll blame my moodiness on exhaustion. My reluctance slowly faded away as I headed towards the liquor store. Thought to myself, "hey this is a perfect opportunity to get some photos together, for a #beersaturday challenge entry". So I quickly returned the part, and headed to the liquor.

I was still pretty vacant minded when I entered the liquor. I spent some time just walking back and fourth looking at their selection. Though my mom had specifically asked for Corona. She's a casual drinker, and it didn't necessarily have to be a Corona. So I simply stood there debating my options.

Initially I considered a Shock Top. It's lite flavored, crisp, citrusy, and pretty refreshing.


Yet I hadn't had a Land Shark in a while. It's somewhat similar, and equally as tasty.


I also considered buying a pack of UFO's. They're kinda like a Blue moon.


I still wasn't feeling the idea of having a beer. I honestly just wanted to go home and pass out, but then I saw these.


I thought to myself," a Guava flavored Corona. That would be perfect for mom." Then I saw the assorted box. The passion fruit one sounded amazing.


So I grabbed a the box and headed for the cashier. Though on my way out, I saw the cooler with all the forties in it. Right in the middle was a big bottle of Corona. I thought well if I'm only gonna have one, it might at well be this one.


So I headed home. At first the beer hit me like I expected. My mom was excited about her Guava flavored Corona. The fact that it's a refresher was irrevelant. I sat on my back porch barely holding on to my beer just taking sips. My roommate sat next to me, just doing her thing. Occasionally teasing me, because I was just sitting there with my eyes closed. Yet I just needed to close my eyes. I hadn't been able to sleep the night before, so eventually I quit trying and just got up.

It was warm night, and I wasn't really feeling so festive. Yet after a little bit, I began to regain life. I got up. Changed clothes, and headed for the hose on the side of the house. The idea had occurred to me as I sat on the chair somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness. The mere idea of hosing myself down had refreshed my spirits.

After a few minutes of horseplay with the hose. Shooting the water up into the air and letting it fall on me. I was alive and rejuvenated. I finished my Corona and moved on to the refreshers. The passion fruit one was my favorite.


Though the Guava was nice.


I was a little hesitant about trying the coconut lime. Yet once my taste buds adjusted. It wasn't too bad. Overall the day ended nicely. I hadn't planned on spending the night trying different drinks. Yet it was good way to end the day. Admittedly I didn't go to bed till early in the morning. Yet I wasn't scheduled till the evening of the following day. So I was able to get some sleep, and in the end I had some decent material for this post. I hope you enjoyed my #beersaturday challenge entry. It's hosted by @detlev and supported by the #beer community.

This week of #BeerSaturday, I like to invite @jlufer to write a post about beer with min. 3 pics in any language.

**Esta semana de #beersaturday me gustaria invitar ha @jlufer ha escribir un post sobre El tema de cerbesa. Con un minino de 3 fotos de cerbesa, y en cual lenguje que prifiera. :)

Please feel free to visit my most recent post called: I am alive. Today's the day.

It's an entry into the #iamalivechallenge which is hosted by @flaxz and supported by the #iamalivechallenge community.

Thanks for sharing with me.

God bless.


Hey @dreamingirwin, that looks a nice collection....

hello dear friend @dreamingirwin good afternoon
You have an excellent mother, I loved all your writing, I must admit that I never had a guava and lime beer, I like both fruits very much, I suppose the mixture with the beer will be very delicious.
Thank you very much for the invitation, I will prepare a post about it
have a great night
Salut, enjoy your beers dear friend

Yes. I love the a bucket of Coronas

Yes dear friend @dreamingirwin that bucket is magical, it keeps the drink cold at all times, you should have one in your home.
have a wonderful night

Well I've seen them at a small bar down the street . Five beer bucket 15 bucks lol at the time.

It is the value that is sold here in Argentina, about $ 1500 pesos, it is quite expensive for us
It's a birthday gift my daughter gave me
have a beautiful night

Well that was nice of her. So the 1500 was just for the bucket? it sucks what we've allowed our leaders to do to our financial system and see everything else huh

A !BEER from me for this nice post for the #BeerSaturday

I have not seen those fruit flavored Corona !BEER here in South Africa yet, perhaps it will still arrive!!

 4 years ago  

Hey @dreamingirwin, here is a little bit of BEER from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

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 4 years ago  

Hey @dreamingirwin, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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