My craft beer bottle collection part 7 (finale) - Reds, Yellows and Purples

in BEER3 years ago

This is the last of my beer bottle collection. At last!! I hear you all say 😃 I said good bye to them all a couple of months ago, but not before taking a final photo with them. LUT - get it? LivingUKTaiwan. Hopefully they have now been recycled and will return in reincarnation as other nice beer bottles.

And for the last time, let me take you on a tour of my beer bottle collection.
livinguktaiwan divider.png


Personally, I think these red labels don't really stand out on a brown beer bottle. I'm no artistic person, but visually, I think red doesn't work on brown beer bottles. Anyway, the Reds were an interesting bunch, let's see what I have in store for you.

The isn't too much to talk about Mad Goose to be honest.The the product description sounded boring and there was no story behind the brand. All you had was a very angry/mad looking goose which they described as "her hiss is far worse than her bite, though she might drive you clucking mad, underneath it all she’s not that bad. "

Jail Ale is a different story. Its slogan is Best kept behind bars, the reason being Dartmoor Brewery is located very near Dartmoor Prison, one of UK's most famous prison at Princeton, in the west of England. Yes, we got a Princeton as well, albeit not as famous as the one across the pond. Dartmoor Prison originally housed (held seems more appropriate) prisoners of war from the Napolean war and then American POW from the early 19th century. In addition, at 1465ft above sea level, Dartmoor Brewery can boast to be England's higest brewery. All this makes great marketing material for a beer.

Apart from taste, which by now you may have gathered I know nothing about, I think a true craft beer has to stay true to its origins, and not become another clog in a big brewing congolmerate. Kingsdown fits that bill. It's brewed by Arkells Brewery, a brewery started by John Arkell in 1843 and is still run by his descendents today. The brewery is still located on pretty much the same site as it was back in 1843.


Trooper on the left has a range of limited edition beer labels called Day of the Dead. This particular label is created in conjunction with Iron Maiden and is based on their song of the same name The Trooper from their 1983 album Piece of Mind.Innis and Gunn is based in Scotland, UK and their flagship beer is called The Original. This 6.6% ale is aged in a bourbon barrel giving it a vanilla and toffee flavour. I don't know if this was s one off as I can't find it on the website anymore.



I have five yellows, two I've shared before. I'm going to talk about the remaining three.

Franziskaner Weissbier is from Munich, Germany and has been brewing since 1363. It's owned by the world's largest brewery Inbev nowPaul Theakston, the owner of Black Sheep is the fifth generation of a brewing family. He left the family business when it was sold to a national brewery, hence naming his company Black Sheep after himself. I love the black sheep logo, it's so classy.Theakston Pale Ale is the family brewery Paul Theakston of Black Sheep is from. I didn't actually know this when I took this photo, what a coincidence!!



And finally, the last category, the purples.

The label for Bishops tripple is quite clever as the H is printed on a glass and highlights the word Hop, one of the main ingredients in brewing beer. This was originally brewed for the inauguration of the Bishop of Salisbury in 1973, and the pattern looks like stained glass in a church.I have a few other Butcombe in my collection as it's a local brewery. According to the official website, this Butcombe Rare Breed is never happier than in the company of a full English brunch, eggs benedict or a light, seafood lunch. Need to try that pairing one day.


Lushingtons Sunshine Pale Ale isn't a purple, but I had no orange category, and it's orange sunshine label looked nice so I wanted to include it this final post about my beer bottle collection. The beer hails from Cornwall, this is where the G7 was held last week. The area is a lovely part of England well known for the sea and sun.Betty Stogs is from the same brewery as Lushington. It's named after a woman in a Cornish folklore. According to wiki, Betty Stogs was so lazy that she didn't even look after her baby; but the brewery marketing material describes her as full-bodied, golden-hearted and just a little fruity. Foklore vs marketing, they're all the same!!!


And this brings me to the end of my beer bottle collection series. I just noticed, I wrote my first beer bottle collection on 13 June 2020, that's a little over a year ago. During these 12 months, a lot has happened, and everyone's life have been impacted, or even turned upside down by covid. I enjoyed writing about my beer bottle collection and I grew quite fond of them as they kept me company during the lockdowns. We have to move on and that's why I sent my beer bottle collection to be recycled. Hopefully, the virus went with them, and if it does get recycled, it comes back as something useful and not destructive.

Cheers bottles.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Part 4 -

Part 5 -

Part 6 -


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When I see this post I remember there is a man I think in Australia he made his house with bottles and cement a great way to help the planet! Congratulations!

I can imagine it would make a very pretty and interesting wall, great as a talking point when you have a party. That's why I collected them last year as my place didn't have ant decor at all, it added a bit of life to my flat

I like such collections. You had chance to try different kind of beers.

It was good as the supermarkets were doing promotions during lockdown. I'm not much of a drinker and mainly went for different labels, u can't remember what 99% of these beers taste like 😂

This really interesting how you arrange the beer bottles

My first few beers were a bit random, then I got a bit systematic towards the end, the things you di when you're bored during lockdown

Very cool. Did you think that maybe someone would have interested in purchasing or having your collection? Especially the beers you can't find anymore.

What are your thoughts on Asian craft brews vs English/European/American? Some of the Japanese crafts I've had are amazing.

These are all commonly available in major supermarkets so not exactly collectors items, and what I found with these 'craft beers' are that most are actually part of a major brewery which sort of defeats the definition of craft beer.

I don't think weve tried Japanese craft beers before, I think we ended up with Asahi every time when we were on holiday in Japan, plus I wouldn't know if its a craft or a smaller less well known brand. Maybe will need to explore next time I'm in Japan 😭😭

To be honest I wouldn't really be able to tell the difference between the different beers other than yes I like it vs no I don't like it, as I don't really drink. I tried some Taiwanese craft beers, a lot of them are fruit flavor, definitely not a big fan.

I can't believe how many beer bottles you had saved. Wow that's a lot! You should be a beer expert having tried so many varieties. I've actually tried that Innis and Gun beer before a long time ago. I don't recall enjoying the whiskey taste to it, but I was young at the time. maybe I should give it another go.
So did you keep them all on display in your home or were they in boxes in the garage or something? I once had a large collection of beer bottles that were waiting to be returned to the beer store. They were gathering dust in boxes in the basement for about two years. I was glad to see them go.

I had a window between the landing and living room at my old place, so they started off on the window sill, then they spread out to the landing floor and it became part of the decor. It was actually quite pretty.

Then I moved, so had to recycle them. I was a bit sad to see them go to be honest, but in a way it was good, as the collection grew as covid developed, and then covid sort of got under control so sending them to be recycled was like moving to the next phase. Mmm... That's sounds quite philosophical ☺️

I had to smile with the Jail Ale slogan - "Best kept behind bars." Very catchy and witty. That's why I don't think I would have made a good marketing man. I don't have such a creative mind. Great collection.

It's fun seeing how they market beers and give it an interesting story, or not in some cases

There are so many more !BEER for me to try!!
Nice collection!!

Let us know what good finds you come up with

 3 years ago  

Hey @livinguktaiwan, here is a little bit of BEER from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

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Nice to see labels that I haven't tried except those 2: Franziskaner which is a good one and far better than "The Trooper" which is the most overpriced beer I have ever tried. Without the Iron Maiden hype it wouldn't make it even at half the price they try to sell those here.

That's why companies pay millions to do cross overs with celebrities. Have you seen the Lady Gaga Oreo biscuit?

Fortunately not and any product branded like this is among the least tempting to try.

Nice colection of beer bottles

Have a !BEER from me...

Cheers @detlev

I need to find more beer stuff to post

come to Belgium and you have a few years to drink'n'collect ;-)

...or to the Czech Republic and you can spend the rest of your life doing that :D

yeah, Czech is another beer heaven.


 3 years ago  

Hey @phortun, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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 3 years ago  

Hey @livinguktaiwan, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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