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RE: The Beers and I: Cristal from Cuba [EN/ES]

in BEERlast year (edited)

Beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world.

Are you sure? I thought water was... Then perhaps a clever guess, I'd think coffee second, and somewhere down the line, beer? 🤔

In Cuba, my country, it is said that the first time a cold one touched Cuban territory was in the 18th century when it was smuggled from Jamaica.

Was that smuggled beer, Red Stripe?

You profess your love for beer, the way I would do coffee. Hmm, my husband loves coffee and he is a keen drinker of beer. I wonder which would reign supreme for him?

I enjoyed your post, and I see that you are fairly new to Hive, right?

I would strongly encourage you to add sources to the info, particularly about the history of when beer came into Cuba.
Citation is important as it shows that you are not intentionally plagiarising.

I hope that you'll reply to this comment, and please go ahead and edit your post. Reread your post and add sources of information wherever the information is not of your personal knowledge or experience.


Hi! Water, tea and cofee, are the popular in a world. I just told about the beer in 'alcohilic' category. Thanks for read.

Water, tea and coffee, are popular in the world. I just told you about the beer in the 'alcoholic' category.

Ok, thanks! I was just teasing you😅

Thanks for your reply and for the edit:)

Thanks u! 👌

Ok, no worries.
It's cold and rainy here in the UK, so I am drinking a cup of Rooibos tea, which is from South Africa.

rooibos tea.jpg

Which tea is popular in Cuba?

Green, black, red, i have no idea 😄😄😄 I like the tea but i'm not experta!

Hehe! just beer 😆👍

I prefer coffee, over tea, but this Rooibus is a gift from a friend:)

It is look interesting

Yes, great taste 😋