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RE: This is an alert! A massive and “Violent Hopsification” on the horizon.

in BEERlast year (edited)

I'm not sure which kind of beer I prefer as yet, because I've only recently started drinking beer. I only do half a pint on any occasion, but I like the look of this one. It looks refreshing.
Are you breaking and trying to convert the little one early? 😅

btw, you seem to be as informed about beers, as you are about coffee. If you had to choose one over the other, which would it be?


Oh, beers are my specialty just like coffee. These are the two things that make me spend some big amounts on money on… I prefer quality and funkiness definitely! I myself have brewed homemade beer and even won a couple of medals (gold and silver)in the Bulgarian National homebrewers’ competition. Just after that the kids came and I stopped brewing… it requires a lot of time and effort. I am sad to not have enough free time to spend on my hobby.

I and my wife-to-be when I was a homebeer master 🤣

If you want some balanced beers (bitterness/juiciness/explosive hops) you may like this NEIPA style, a regular Pale ale may be light and refreshing. Stouts(regular, imperial stouts, etc.) may be more suitable for winter, although I like enjoying some dark beers in the summer too. It really depends and I don’t have any particular style. Pale ales are definitely everyday beers!

Oh, WoW! Congrats on your medals. That's awesome! I love to hear about stuff like that.
I would love it if my husband had a place so he could brew his beers 😆. I hope that you still do home brewing when you get the chance. I liked Czech beer when I had sips of my husband's in Prague. Would you say Bulgaria has some similar beers?

Bulgaria has an old beer culture and breweries dating back to early 1900s. Now similarly to almost everywhere else the big breweries are under protection and ownership of big players like Heineken.

I’m a bit shameful that I haven’t brewed beer since the beginning of 2019 when our wedding was… but I definitely plan on building a brewing setup in our present home. But brewing beer definitely requires a lot of time… I will need my boys’ help and I will keep their attention away from thinking of making different troubles 🤷🏻‍♂️

Czech pilsners are definitely top style beers and it is my utter dream do visit Pilsen and Prague on a beer tourism one day.

You have some exciting goals there. I think it will be fun brewing with your boys:)))

Also, I have to mention that I have never ever tried to force my little ones into beer, but they both do like it and want to try every time I have one! 🤣

One of the old ladies in the neighborhood recently asked my boys “You are going to the shop? What are you buying? Some candies?”And the little boy answered “Beer!”… I was sincerely surprised from the answer he gave… 😁