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RE: That Brewing Co. - A Hotel Room Beer Review

in BEER10 months ago

Being stuck in a hotel with all those beers doesn't sound so bad to me. But most of all I loved this: But I said, you only live once, like a real millennial. xD

As for the IPAs article, it's silly to be so drastic, everyone's palate is different. It's normal that some prefer things that others don't, absolute truth in such a subjective field has no place.

I love the design of the Delicious Monster, although those beers that tend to taste weedy don't appeal to me, I think they are more trendy than tasty.

I understand that feeling when you try something so special that you wish you could have it more on hand in your everyday life. But at least it creates unique memories that encourage us to go back to those places.

I hope you continue to enjoy more tastings, so varied but with a glass available hahaha cheers!


Thank you so much for the visit and the reading of my post! Indeed, their graphic designer needs a cold beer! He/She did a great job.

True, I also do not like the "weedy" beers. I know I should like them (in the case of South African indigenous plants being used) because I am a great advocate for using such plants in our food, but it really does not accord well with my palate. I prefer the tried and tested recipes.

Creating memories is the best and that is sometimes why these beers taste so well: the idea of having it only once and never again makes it taste better. I remember having Belgian beer in Amsterdam, I think, and thinking this is the best ever. When I returned home, after a couple of years, our beer market began importing those very beers I tried. To my demise they did not have the same appeal as when I tasted them in a foreign country.

All psychological I guess.

Keep well!