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RE: Duvel series for #BeerSaturday, part 3: Fresh versus matured Duvel

in BEERlast year

...And even exercising I can do at home. Without machines, but it saves me a trip to a gym if I just want to do some stretching, self massage, own body strength exercises, and something with small weights... !LUV !CTP


I am curious how you pay for your gym membership. 🤔 Is it pay-as-you-enter, subscription (paid daily, monthly, semi-yearly, or other time period), or already paid for as part of a package or your work? 🤓

(What I meant with "paid daily" is that you pay the gym once on your first visit during a given day, and then all subsequent visits to the gym within the same day are free.) 😅 !CTP

I don't have a gym membership, since I HATE the gym. Going more often than once a day? OMG :-(
No, seriously, when I was training in Magaluf a few years ago, the gym was included and we included a weekly session during a certain time. When I was training by myself over there, I omited, and now that I'm training in Palma, I don't have access. I've been on the point of paying, but reconsidered !LUV !CTP

It really sounds like when it comes to exercising, you hate indoors (whether at home or at gym). 😅 Anyway, I heard some people active in exercise that they would prefer jogging, biking, or even dancing outdoors even when gym access is free. 🤓 !LUV !CTP

I don't mind indoors or outdoors. I've been playing badminton and squash for example as well.
And there are as well possibilities to do gym outdoors. But I just hate (the) gym.... !LUV !CTP

While I have seen indoor badminton or tennis courts as well as outdoor gyms, they are usually priced high due to high demand (especially in the case of indoor courts) and high maintenance (especially outdoor gym equipment which need to be shielded from the weather). 🤔😅 !LUV !CTP

indeed, the outdoor gym equipment is thus from a lower quality / level than the indoor equipment... !LUV !CTP

I think that the most important requirement for leaving gym equipment outdoors is that they should be waterproof (if ever electronic equipment is placed outdoors) and rustproof. 🤔 Even if the equipment is well-maintained, they still won't be used in case it's raining or too hot. 😅 !LUV !CTP