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RE: Duvel series for #BeerSaturday, part 3: Fresh versus matured Duvel

in BEER2 years ago

I !love Lipton Ice Tea (but needs to be carbonated) and I like coca-cola as well (only the real thing and WITH sugar please. For the rest I liked Guarana when I was in Brasil. It happened to be for sale in the Carrefour here for a while as well and most of all I like freshly squeezed juices. Here in Spain oranges are delicious, so the frst thing I'm looking for when not drinking water during the day would be a freshly squeezed juice !CTP


Freshly squeezed juices sound really delicious and healthy! 🍊🥤 I wonder how they cost compared to soft drinks. 🤔😅 !PIZZA !CTP

That depends if you buy fruit and squeeze them yourself or you buy them ready squeezed. I saw this in several supermarkets but actually I didn't bother to check the price. Prices on like a terrace are about 1,5x - 2x the price of a softdrink or a !BEER

I think that buying fresh fruits already squeezed (or juiced) for you is usually more expensive. 🤔 However, there are some stores which charge more for letting you squeeze fruits on your own (to cover their cost of maintaining the equipment and waiting for you to finish squeezing the fruit). 🤓 !PIZZA !CTP

 2 years ago  

Hey @savvytester, here is a little bit of BEER from @svanbo for you. Enjoy it!

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