in Hive PH8 months ago


Hello Hive and hello everyone! Before starting this blog, I would like to extend my greetings and gratitude for reading my writing, and hopes that this blog makes your time worth it. I hope that whoever is reading this blog is doing great in life and facing hardships with confidence and perseverance. I'm here today with a new blog content that would hopefully be a great blog series, MY LIFE AS AN ENGINEERING STUDENT AND A HIVIAN. In this blog series I'll be sharing my day to day life experiences, learnings and realizations that would optimistically satisfy my readers time by providing entertainment, inspiration, motivation and hopefully, information that would be useful for my readers. Or sometimes just a reminder that you needed to read so you don't forget some life lessons.



In my previous blog, I mentioned and complained about my new class schedule. Getting used to my old schedule waking up around 8 in the morning and sometimes even 9 to attend my 10 am class has become a challenge for me know as I start my day way earlier. I noticed now that when I wake up, I feel like my body doesn't want to get up, my body feel tired and lazy. I don't want to wake up and take a bath yet because the. water is so cold in the morning. But anyhow I still managed to get to school early today, although I didn't get to eat anything before going to the campus. I had to skip breakfast so I wont get late on the first day of class.


Arrived earlier than I thought, I was happy that I could still eat breakfast in the canteen. I really can't start my day properly if I don't eat breakfast, evenmore when I don't get to drink my daily dose of coffee. Am I the only one that gets irritated after missing to drink some morning coffee?



This is what I had for breakfast. Got myself a couple servings of rice, some hotdogs and an egg. And specially some coffee.After eating breakfast, I went with my classmate to check If our instructor was present. And on the way to the room I saw the criminology students forming lines and marching, so early in the morning.


So what are my thought regarding my complaints about my new class schedule? Well, there are two things that comes to mind. First is that, when seeing the criminology students already in the field early in the morning marching and following commands from their leaders, giving there best to stay snappy and showing discipline, I thought to myself that they may have woken up earlier than I did and in fact, they may have already been in the campus preparing while I was still asleep. I told myself that I will stop complaining from now on and show more discipline, even if it meant taking a bath in cold water in the morning. My second thought for this matter is that those criminology students may have also complain in some point in there lives about the course they took, but it didn't stop them from where they are now, same should go for me and you, complain all you want but never stop. *As I'm writing this part of the blog, I was humbled and reminded about my privilege of attending college to secure a better future and realizing that someone out there is dreaming the life I'm complaining right now.*



Our instructor for the subject had something important to attend to, we were vacant for the morning. Seeing the new CAS (College of Arts and Sciences) building, we decided to check it out. With the permission of one of the instructor we get to enter the building since the their department was not yet done with the preparation and in finalizing building.
The architectural design of the building is quite nice, it looked good from afar but look even better up close. The utilities within the building is very impressive, it was actually my first time seeing glass boards in real life. I only get to see this in youtube videos while watching solving tutorials of other professors coming from different universities. I was genuinely amazed exploring the building.


The glass board that I was talking about.


After checking out the building, one of my classmate said that the CAS students from main campus 1 don't want to attend class here in the main campus 2. It was said that they don't want to change their boarding house and saying it was far away considering the travel time. My opinion after seeing the new building is that, attending class here at campus 2 is really not that bad, especially in a newly built building. And noise pollution wise, here at main campus 2 there not much cars and trucks that always passes by making learning efficient. Plus there's a lot of big trees here, we got fresh air....



Why a green flag? Well, hear me out. We all know that in order to maintain a good relationship with others, we need to have a good communication skills. Where else do you get the chance to practice writing constructive thoughts to properly convey the messages your trying to convey through your writing? Here at hive, you get the opportunity to share anything while not being bullied by others, the riches and poor, whatever race you are and hobbies you like, you are free and welcome to share them wholeheartedly here at hive blog. The people here at hive even recognizes and rewards your effort in providing quality content in your writing, and the communities shows support to the writers especially the newbies.

To be honest, I have long lost my spark in drawing and painting. Arts in general, has been a highlight in my life but for the past years tha spark has vanished. Being introduced to hive, I saw a lot of artist that was rewarded by their working. As an artist, I think the best reward you can get here at hive blog is the recognition that comes in upvotes, it means that people who saw the product of your effort and creativity found it worthy for an upvote, and it will really tickles the heart of the artist. I finally found the place where I can continue my progress as an artist.


I didn't really know what to do with my past payout from my blog, so I decided to buy new art materials to finally restart my journey as an artist. I considered the tokens balance that I have as a saving that I can use whenever I get short on money and took money from may saving with the same amount I have in my keychain to by the materials. I bought a sketchbook, color pencil and watercolor pens.


My journey as a writer and especially as an artist will continue, here with the power of hive and hopefully the support of my fellow hivians.



This afternoon I went to the cathedral to light to light some candles. I lit candles to pray thanking Mama Mary for hearing my prayers. This goes way back after I took the final exam of a course subject that was unexpectedly more difficult than what I have anticipated. When I got back from the campus I went to the cathedral and lit some candles and really prayed my heart our asking to hopefully pass the course subject. I was overthinking the whole time during the semestral break because the grades was not yet given. Receiving the good news that I passed all my subjects, it left me so happy for weeks. This morning as I step into the campus knowing that I survived last semester, I told myself that I will go back to the cathedral this afternoon to light candles and give my thanks to Mama Mary.


I took this shot seeing it was so beautiful. One pretty sky for all of us to enjoy.

That is all for today's entry for MY LIFE AS AN ENGINEER AND A HIVIAN BLOG. If you ever made it this far in the blog, I hope it meant that you liked and enjoyed reading through it. If you ever find my daily miniblog interesting and you want to read more of my future blog, you can show support by giving me a follow and I'll be sure to follow back. If you have any thoughts in mind about my blogs or any suggestion, I would love to know about it. I hope to see you again in my next blog and thank you for the time, it's much appreciated!


I am an engineering student and I have 7 am class😭 So, I can totally relate to you being so done with early classes.

Hahaha, I think the worst schedule you can get is a 7 class on a Saturday.💁