in Hive PH7 months ago (edited)

Hello hive its me again jaycee, first of all I would like to say thank you for all the people who liked and also welcomed me in hive, I'm glad that you all appreciated my work.

All of us has a place that we cherish and one of a great example of it is our home, it's because a home gives us comfort and safety its also a place where memories of our family is created.
And I too also have a home that I cherished and it is my grandmother's house (my Nanay). With this blog I will take you through what's my grandmother's home and how much it means to me.

Photo screenshot in Google Map

This is the house of my nanay it's just simple yet full memories. This house is not that big and it is also old, it was built around 20 plus years ago. This house only has a small living room and kitchen and a two bedrooms, one of the bedroom is where me and my sister used to sleep. This house also have a small space outside where you can plant and do some activities and this is my favorite part of this house, because my grandmother put a hammock where we can relax and play, and my mother's flowers are there.


The time that me, my sister and my mother moved here is when I was still 4 year's old, my nanay was so happy that we moved here, she welcomed us warmly.❤️

The people currently living in this house are my nanay, tito and his 2 sons. Me and my sister lived there for 12 years before we went here to our fathers house last year.


There are so many memorable events happened in this house from happy memories to sad memories. I have this one memorable event happened in this house,when I cried because of my chicken, my nanay cooked my chicken, they made it into tinola ( chicken soup ) at that time I did not eat because I was so sad and angry at them. This is also the place where most of our bonding with my mother happened, from playing games, creating arts and crafts, and any activity that can make us happy.


This house is also the place where all the family members get together when there's a special occasions and we make the most of the days we are together because we don't always see each other, thats why my tito's and tita's are drinking and talking whenever they are here, while me and my cousins will be playing games like tag, hide and seek, tumba lata ( knock down the can ) and many more games that we can play, that's why all those days are happy and memorable.



Through out the years I lived here in my nanay's house are all memorable as I look back at those times.
Im so thankful that my nanay accepted us in her house and let me and my sister lived there. I know that there are many people who does not have a shelter or a proper and that's why it makes me appreciate more the warm welcome of my nanay, because of that I have a place where I can say MY HOME and a place where I BELONG.

I hope that all of us have a place where we can call a HOME because this place is not just a building that protects us from the heat of the sun or the coldness of the rain, but a place where you can create a memories of your family, a place where you can strengthen the bond of your family, a place that always takes you in, a place where it can give you comfort, security and love.
I'll be back there my HOME SWEET HOME 🏡💙


There will always be that house that we can always feel like its home because of the memories that you have made with your loved ones there. Your nanay surely missed you after years of growing up under her support. Do you still visit her?

I really did miss my nanay ma'am and It's so sad that I did not see her for almost 10 months since she's in Davao
But I have a plan to go home and study there next year.

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You had awesome memory in your nanay's home. Comfort and being belong, that's what a real home means. Reading this, i just remember our old house, sadly, I dont have a picture of it huhu.

Thank you for reading ma'am @ruffatotmeee,
It's sad that you dont have a picture of your old house,but as long as the memories you have in your old house is still in your mind and heart I think thats already enough💙.

Home us everything, our comfort zone indeed. This is where memories are made, memories that will last forever in our hearts ❤️

Thank you for sharing your experience ma'am @jayceethedreamer. Living in a simple life, a simple environment and a simple goal is the secret of longevity according to our forefathers.

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Indeed, there is no place like home.