Diary of a Student: Part 1 - Weekdays Unfold

in Hive PH5 months ago

Hi Hivers, how is everyone? I'm back to share with you my experience because it's been a long time since I last posted here due to being extremely busy with schoolwork such as research, reporting, and activities. It's only now that I have the time to share with all of you my experience of why I've been so busy. To summarize, I am sharing my weekdays in school. Before I delve into my experience, I would like to ask, what is your reason for persevering in life? I am asking this because I still want to keep fighting despite what happened to me.




I wake up around 4:00 am, take a bath, and prepare myself because my class starts at 7:00 am. If we arrive late, even just a minute late, we're not allowed to enter our class because that's the rule set by our professor. Her reason is that she wants to prepare us for the future, when we'll have jobs and need to be punctual. And she's right. After eating bread and drinking coffee, I start my journey because our school is really far, almost 20 kilometers away, and it takes me about 40 minutes to travel there.


While I was on the road, I realized that I needed to refuel. I always refuel at Shell because, for me, their gasoline is really good. I used to refuel at other gas stations, but I felt a difference in my vehicle performance. However, when I tried Shell, it seemed like my vehicle performance went back to normal. This isn't sponsored; it's just based on my experience. I'm not saying that other gas stations are bad, it's just that I personally prefer Shell because I'm satisfied with their gasoline. But it's still your choice where you want to refuel. After refueling, I resumed my journey and arrived at our school at 6:51, thankfully not late at all and around 7 am flag ceremony started.


From beginning to end, I gained learnings from our teacher because our topic was about the law, where we compared the difference between a suspect and an accused. One of my classmates answered that a suspect is someone under investigation or a person of interest who committed a crime, while an accused is a person facing trial in court and defending themselves against the accusations. Additionally, our teacher asked us about jurisdiction. From what I've learned, jurisdiction involves an agreement between two countries. For example, if you commit a crime in another country, jurisdiction occurs when both countries agree to extradite the criminal back to their home country. However, it also depends on the country whether they want to conduct the trial in their own jurisdiction or not. I'm not entirely sure if I provided all the exact details, but that's the gist of what I understood.


So, after our class, my classmates and I had lunch together. After that, we returned to our school, but we still had some extra time, so we played Magic Chess in Mobile Legends. It was really fun because we always create custom games whenever we finish eating. After our game, it was time for our next subject. After our classes, I went home to rest and prepare for the next day.




Just like Monday, I needed to arrive early for our class because being late is strictly prohibited, and if you're late, you won't be allowed to enter. Not much happened because before the reporting, our teacher gave a surprise quiz about our previous lesson. After the reporting, our teacher followed up with another quiz, this time about the report of one of our classmates.


After that class, today was a half-day for us, so I hurried home to start working on our research titles because we need to come up with three and defend them on Friday. I thought of three possible titles. The first one was about a QR Code-based Kitchen Inventory Management System for CTU-NAGA: Enhancing Efficiency and Accountability Across Campus. However, I decided to change it to QR Code-based Facility Inventory Management System for CTU-NAGA: Enhancing Efficiency and Accountability Across Campus because I realized that creating a system just for the kitchen might be too narrow. Anyway, my course is actually BSIT, so we need to develop a system for our research.


For my second title, I came up with "QR Code Integration in Gown Rental System: Streamlining Transactions and Enhancing Customer Experience at C&G Bridal Boutique." The function of this system is to address various issues by integrating QR codes into the gown rental process. By encoding crucial gown details such as rental price, cash bond, and gown name into QR codes, retrieving rental information becomes instantaneous and accurate. Moreover, QR code technology facilitates rapid generation of receipts with minimal customer input, thereby reducing transaction time and errors. Implementing this system aligns with the modernization of business processes, enhancing efficiency, and improving customer satisfaction at C&G Bridal Boutique.


For my third title, I proposed "Enhancing Community Governance through an Integrated Purok Management System: A Case Study of Purok Mauswagon in Barangay Poblacion 1, Carcar City, Cebu." This title focuses on the establishment of a comprehensive Purok Management System in Purok Mauswagon to tackle existing challenges. By digitizing resident registration and activity tracking processes, the system aims to streamline administrative tasks, enhance data accuracy, and facilitate effective decision-making. Additionally, enforcing regulations such as obtaining purok clearances aims to promote accountability and bolster community security. This research aims to investigate the effects of implementing such a system on community governance and resident engagement in Purok Mauswagon.


Thank you for reading, dear readers. If you have any suggestions for a title, please feel free to comment below. I am still searching for a good title, and I appreciate any input you may have. This concludes my story for now. Don't worry, I am including you all in this journey. From Wednesday to Friday, I will share some ideas for Part 2 where we will be refining our research. Additionally, we will have a painting activity scheduled for Thursday to add some creative elements to our project. Finally, on Friday, we will defend our chosen research title. Stay tuned for more updates! Have a good day readers.



Best milestone of everyone is being student where you build your self into better one. You meet new people and discover new things. Sometimes it feels hard but it makes you enjoy aswell. Cherish your time being a student because you will miss it for sure someday.

Thank you sir @intoy.bugoy, I will enjoy it.

This got me so nostalgic on the days I was going to school. Back then I was hearing a lot that I should enjoy that period of life as I will have enough time to be an adult but all I wanted was to skip that part of my life. Now I feel those words a lot deeper!

This got me so nostalgic on the days I was going to school. Back then I was hearing a lot that I should enjoy that period of life as I will have enough time to be an adult but all I wanted was to skip that part of my life. Now I feel those words a lot deeper!

It's amazing how foresight gives us a new appreciation for the simple joys of those school days.