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RE: My first few days on Hive

in Hive PH β€’ 3 years ago

It's been 10 days since I joined this platform. And it has been awesome these past few days. I finally got to share the things I've always wanted to.
Yayyyyy!!! 😘😘 Awesome kayo ate kay 10 days pa lang pero you have many write-ups an ayieeee 😘😘 Keep posting 😍😍

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Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

@jongcl so it have highlight your comment "Awesome kayo ate kay 10 days pa lang pero you have many write-ups an ayieeee 😘😘 Keep posting 😍😍"

Coz it was added to the quotation hehe...for the cometweek contest. That way @wil.metcalfe knows which one is your comment.

P.s. it's amazing how you show your support to KC,love the camaraderie