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RE: Nice to meet you.

in Hive PH4 months ago

Welcome to Hive Elsie, so you want to remail anonymous, I mean when it comes to your face. Now I'm more curious na tuloy. Coz baka lang may maligaw somewhere of your face ba, should I look further? Ay teka, tamad nga pala me, nvm, lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay here. Happy Hiving!


BAHAHAHAHA, well, good luck na lang (po) if that's the case. I'll be extra wary in pictures where I may show my face and such. But, who knows?

PS: Stalking is bad, kaya 'wag. Masisira buhay mo. 😂

You too, happy Hiving (and blogging) as well!

Hahahaha, I know how stalking can break someone's life. Gawain ko dito, but now natuto na hahaha charrr.